Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Avenue- Week 3

It’s never too late to do the right thing When was a time you did something bad that you knew you shouldn’t do? Read Jonah 3:1-5 (page 897) What did Jonah do when he got spat out? What would you have done in that situation? How did th...

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Avenue- Week 2

Do you listen to your friends when they have a problem? Read 1 John 5:13-15 How often would you say you pray? Do you think God hears all of our prayers? Why or why not? What do you think it means when it says “when we ask for anything that pleases ...

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Avenue- Week 1

Do you have a spot you like to go to be alone? Jonah 1:12-16 (Page 896) Why do you think Jonah suggested he got thrown into the sea? Why was there a storm in the first place? What did the sailors do instead of throw him over? Why do you think that? ...

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What is Faith: Week 4

  Have you ever been in a disagreement with someone? What happened? Read John 14:21-2 What do you think Jesus meant when he said He would reveal himself? What did Jesus say we will do if we love Him?...

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What is Faith: Week 3

Having Faith is rewarding. What is your favorite gift you have ever gotten? Read Genesis 21:1-3 & 5-6 (Page 21) ...

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What is Faith: Week 2

Having Faith means waiting patiently for God. Are you a very patient person? Read Genesis 15:1-5 ...

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What is Faith: Week 1

Having faith means trusting God’s plan. When was a time you trusted someone/something and it paid off? Read Genesis 12:1-5 ...

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Getting Quiet: Week 5

Takeaway: Pray when something is hard or scary. What is something big you are praying for?  Read Matthew 26:36-39 Who were the people Jesus took with Him to pray? ...

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Getting Quiet: Week 4

Pray before making a big decision. Have you ever had to make a hard decision before? What was it? Read Luke 6:12-14 (page 1010) Where did Jesus go to pray? ...

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Getting Quiet: Week 3

Pray when we can be alone and quiet. Where is a place you like to go to be alone? 1.Do you think praying is an easy or hard thing to do? Why? Read Matthew 6:5-7 (Page 946)...

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