Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Wise - Week 4

Have each family member share the name of a person that they consider a role model.Now, talk to your kids about how the most important person to try to be like is Jesus. Explain that even the best people here on earth are not even close to being like Jesus!...

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Wise - Week 3

Ask your kids about the hardest rules to follow. Talk to them about why they are so hard to follow. Let them know that everyone struggles to follow all of God’s instructions, but it’s important to keep trying. Read Matthew 7:24-27 How are Jesus’ ...

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Wise – Week 2 

  Talk to your kids about the things that cause worry or anxiety. Remind them that worrying doesn’t fix problems or make them go away. Read Philippians 4:6-7 Instead of worrying, what should we talk to God about? What happens to us when ...

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Wise – Week 1

Talk to your kids about the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Make sure they know that wisdom comes from God. Have each person share an example of a wise choice they made this week. Read 1 Kings 3:5-15...

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Journey - Week 5

Find something around the house that has a special meaning to your kids. Ask them about the memories associated with that thing. Read Joshua 4:4-7 What were the Israelites supposed to remember when they saw the 12 stones? Is there a symbol or sign in your ...

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Journey - Week 4

Talk to your kids about the difference between a good risk and a bad risk. Explain that some risks need serious thought (jumping off a cliff into water) and some don’t need much thought at all (jumping off a curb into a puddle). Read Joshua 2:1-14 Were the r...

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Journey - Week 3

Talk to your kids about trust. Share some characteristics of people that are trustworthy and remind them that we can completely trust God. Read Numbers 13 Why was Caleb so confident that the Israelites could take possession of the Promised Land? Why did th...

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Journey - Week 2

Talk to your kids about how you personally worship God and where you like to spend time with Him. Read John 4:19-24 What did Jesus tell the woman about the places where people worship? What do you think it means to worship God “in spirit and in truth...

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Journey - Week 1

Talk to your kids about the things that God has given your family. Tell them about a time that you counted on God for a need and He provided. Read Exodus 15:22-26 What does it mean to count on God for the things we need? Should we count on God to give us t...

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Splat Lab - Week 2

Have everyone share one thing that they LOVE! Talk to your kids about the different kinds of love. Explain that the kind of love you are talking about today has to do with people. It is an unconditional love that Jesus demonstrated for us. Read 1 Thessalonians 3:12...

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