Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Stories- Week 3

Ask your kids how their week was and see if anything interesting happened to them.   Have you ever had to admit that you were wrong? Was it easy or hard to do? Read Luke 15:22-24 & 32 Look back at verse 12, why did the son leave in the first ...

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Stories- Week 2

What is something that you are really good at? (ex: sports, art, video games, etc.) When you get money, do you save it or spend it? Read Matthew 25:19-21 & 26-27 What would you do with all the money that the first servant got? ...

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Stories- Week 1

Do you find it easy or hard to forgive people? Why? Read Matthew 18:27-30 Why do you think the master felt pity for the servant who owed him so much money? ...

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Wonder- Week 5

Ask your kids how their week was, see if anything interesting happened to them. What is something you have wondered about God? Read 1 Timothy 1:17 What do you think the word “Eternal&...

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Wonder- Week 4

Ask your kids how their week was, see if anything interesting happened to them.  If you could be surrounded by anything, what would that thing be? Read Ezekiel 1:26-28...

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Wonder- Week 3

If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be? Read Jeremiah 23:23-24 Do you ever wish you could be in more than one place? God is always with you w...

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Wonder- Week 2

Who is someone you love a lot, what do you love about them? Read Ephesians 1:3-6 What do you think it means, that God adopts us into His own family? What does a relationship with your parents look like? How do...

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Wonder- Week 1

Who is someone that has always been there for you? Do you trust them? Read Colossians 1:15-17 What do you think about how the world was made? Does this passage say anything existed before God? Read verse 17 ag...

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Granny Hanny's Family- Week 4

Takeaway: God has a job for us! What is a task that you have to do every week? What happens if you don't do it?  Read John 21:15 How do you think the disciples felt after seeing Jesus? Why do you think Jesus asked Peter i...

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Granny Hanny's Family- Week 3

Takeaway: God’s words are true! Have you ever made a promise for something? What was that promise? Did you keep it? Read John 20:14-16 ...

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