Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Would You Rather – Week 5

Talk to your kids about the problems that come with lying. Let them know that even though the truth seems hard and scary, it is always better than lying. Read Proverbs 12:22 and 21:6 -Why do you think God wants us to be truthful? -Is it possible to lie to God? -Can...

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Would You Rather - Week 4

Ask your kids what they think forgiveness means. Tell them about the difference between forgiving someone and letting someone continue to do something wrong to us. Read Matthew 18:21-35 How many times do you think Jesus wants us to forgive someone? What kinds of th...

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Would You Rather - Week 3

Help your kids make a list of all the things they are thankful for. Ask them which ones are from God. Read Psalm 100:1-5 Why do you think we should be grateful for the things we have? What kinds of things should we not be grateful for? How should w...

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Would You Rather – Week 2

Talk to your kids about what it means to be selfish vs. selfless. Read Philippians 2:3-4 Give them some examples with the actions of people you know or from movies or shows. What are some things you do that are selfish? How can you remember to be s...

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Would You Rather – Week 1

Ask your kids which rules of the house they don’t like to obey. Talk to them about why those rules are important and let them know that the things God tells us to do are even more important. Read Jonah 1:1-17 What happened to Jonah when he tried to run away ...

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Second Chances - Week 1

Talk to your kids about a time when you had a second chance to do something you didn’t do well the first time. Make sure they know that God gives second chances. Read Matthew 26:69-75 What are some ways we mess up like Peter did? What do you think we...

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Legend of the Hidden Caverns – Week 5

Talk to your kids about Heaven. Ask them what they think it will be like. Let them know that the greatest part about Heaven is that we get to be with God. Read 1John 14:1-7 What is Jesus talking about when he says “my Father’s house”? How is Jesus the way...

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Legend of the Hidden Caverns – Week 4

Talk to your kids about how light helps us find our way easier. Give some examples such as feeling around in a dark room or driving a car extra slow without headlights. Let them know that Jesus is the light that helps us find our way to God. Read John 8:12...

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Legend of the Hidden Caverns - Week 3

DEVOTIONAL Oct. 17/18  Ask your kids how they can tell someone is a follower of Jesus. Help them make a list of things only a follower of Jesus would do.  Read John 15:1-8 From the list you made earlier of things only a f...

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Legend of the Hidden Caverns – Week 1

Talk to your kids about their favorite foods. Talk about how we need food to keep us healthy, but we also need “spiritual food,” like going to church and studying the BibleRead Deuteronomy 8:2-3 and John 6:30-35 ...

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