Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Getting Quiet: Week 2

Pray for people who aren’t kind to you. What do you do when someone is being mean to you or someone you know? Read Matthew 5:43-46 1.Is it easy for you to be kind to someone...

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Getting Quiet: Week 1

Prayer is talking and listening to God.  Who is someone that you could talk to forever? Read James 5:13-16 (Page 1225) 1.Did you think prayer was an...

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Switched: Week 3

We have peace when we don’t seek revenge. Ask your kids how their week was, see if anything interesting happened to them? What is something that you find peaceful? (Gives you a relaxed feeling)Read 1 Samuel 24:3...

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Switched: Week 2

We have peace when we love unconditionally Ask your kids how their week was, see if anything interesting happened to them? If you could switch places with anyone for a day who would that be? Read Romans 12:9-...

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Switched: Week 1

What do you think having peace looks like? Genesis 27:30-33 & Genesis 33:3-5 Why was Esau so mad at his brother Jacob? What did he do? Did Esau stay mad at Jacob?...

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Dig In- Week 4

What is something you think everyone should know? What is the purpose of a Map? Read 2 Timothy 3:15-17 What does the first verse say that scripture gives us? How is ...

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Dig In- Week 3

What do you think the difference is between being wise and being smart? Read 2 Kings 23:1-3 Who did the king have come with him to the temple? What did King Josiah do whe...

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Dig In- Week 2

What is a promise you made and kept the promise? Have you heard of the story of Abraham in the Bible? What do you know? Genesis 12:1-3 & 7 What was the first promise God made to Ab...

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Dig In- Week 1

Start by playing 2 truths and a lie, have the kids try and guess which one is the lie. Have you ever looked for answers in your Bible before? Read 2 Timothy 3:14-17 ...

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In the Beginning- Week 4

If you could make any animal real, which one would it be? Genesis 2:15-19 What were some of the other things God had created? Did God make any of those things in His image? Why not?...

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