Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Granny Hanny’s Family - Week 2

Takeaway: God’s timing is perfect! Are you most often on time, early, or late for things? Read 2 Peter 3:8-9 When ...

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Granny Hanny’s Family - Week 1

Takeaway: God has a plan!  How do you make plans? When you make plans, how well do you follow them? Read Romans 8:28 What happens when you plan something and it doesn’t work out? Do you think Jesus was surprised by ...

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Hero- Week 5

Takeaway: God wants kids to learn about Him! What is something you enjoy learning about?  Read Luke 2:46-52 ...

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Hero- Week 4

What is something big that you want to accomplish? Read John 6:8-13 1. How many men were there when Jesus did this miracle? 2. How much food did the young boy have with h...

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Hero: Week 3

Have you ever spoken to someone and they misunderstood you? If so, what happened?   Read 1 Samuel 3:1-5 Why do you think Samuel kept going ...

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Hero: Week 2

Think of a time when someone helped you. What happened? If you can’t think of a time, when was a time you helped another person? Read Exodus 2:5-8 How was ba...

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Hero: Week 1

Who do you think of when you think of a good leader?  Read 1 Timothy 4:11-12 What do you think it takes to be a leader? ...

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Armor Up: Week 6

Has anyone ever tried to get you to do something that you knew wasn’t right? Read Matthew 4:3-5 1. How do you think Jesus knew the verse to respond with so well? 2. How can we do the same thing Jesus did in those moments? 3. What is something...

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Armor Up: Week 5

Who are some people that you can think of that wears a helmet? Why do they wear a helmet? Read 1 Peter 1:7-9 1. Sometimes we are going to face hard situations. Who should we keep our focus on? 2. Why do you think it says our faith is more precious than gol...

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Armor Up: Week 4

When was a moment that you needed to have faith in something? Read Matthew 8: 5-10&13 1. Why do you think Jesus said, “I haven’t seen faith like this in all of Israel.”? 2. What ended up happening because the officer believed? ...

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