Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Famous: Week 3

Have you ever met a famous person? If not, who is someone you want to meet? Read Psalms 139: 1-5, 16-18 What does it mean to be famous in God’s eyes? How long has God known us? Why do you think God cares about us so much? Do y...

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Famous: Week 2

What is something you want to be known for?  Read Hebrews 11:1-2, 7-10 How many people in this chapter were good examples of faith? What did they all have in common? What did it say Abraham was looking forward to? Is that ...

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Famous: Week 1

Who is someone famous you look up to? What do they do? Why do you look up to them? Read Luke 22:24-30 What was it that the disciples were arguing about? Why was it a big deal for the disciples to know who was more important? ...

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Back to School - Week 4

Ask your kids how their week was, and see if anything interesting happened to them. What is something you are naturally good at? Do you try to get better at that thing? Read Mark 12:41-44 What is something you have to work hard for to be good at?...

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Back to School - Week 3

Have you talked to anyone at school yet that you would want to be friends with? Read Matthew 26:6-13. Why do you think the disciples were upset with the woman? Why did the woman pour the perfume over Jesus’ head? What was Jesus talking about ...

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Back to School - Week 2

What is something you enjoy doing with your friends? Read Matthew 9:9-13 What do you think Jesus meant when He said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor - sick people do”? How can we help others ...

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Back to School - Week 1

What is something that makes you excited about going back to school? Read Joshua 10:12-15 Why do you think God answered Joshua’s prayers? (Look at verse 8) Joshua was a faithful man....

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XCamp Recap - Week 2

What was something fun or exciting you did this week? Read Acts 9:3-9. Why was Paul so important? Paul did some bad things against Christians, but he also did some good things....

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XCamp Kick Off - Week 1

What is something you have done this summer that you really enjoyed? What was one of the things that stood out to you about Paul? Paul went through a lot of struggles when he was spreading the word of God....

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Chronicles of Beach Shack - Week 3

How many days have you gone without taking a shower or bath?  Read Matthew 3:13-17 In what ways do we use water?  Even though Jesus did not have to get baptized, why did He? What does baptism symbolize?...

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