Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Out Of This World- Week Three

Jesus has the power to heal! Have you ever wanted to have a super power? What would it be? Read John 9:6-11 1. What did Jesus do to heal the man who was blind? 2. What do you think the man ...

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Out Of This World- Week Two

Jesus has the power to give us all we need! What are some things that we need in life? Read Mark 8: 2-9 (Page 985-986) 1. There is another story like this, what was it? 2. Why do you think Jesus fed these ...

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Out Of This World- Week One

What does it mean to be powerful? What are some examples of having power? Read Mark 5:6-13 (page 981-982) 1. What did the demons call Jesus? 2. What do you think that tells us about what demons believe?...

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Famous- Week Four

How are we famous to God? Read Acts 2:42-47 1. Why should we keep Jesus famous? 2. Why do you think the sold all of their possessions? 3. What happened when all the followers focused on Jes...

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Famous- Week Three

Have you ever met a famous person? If not, who is someone you want to meet? Read Psalms 139: 1-5 & 16-18 1. What do you think it means, “We are all famous in God’s eyes”? 2. How long has God kno...

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Famous- Week Two

What is something you want to be known for? Read Hebrews 11:1-2 & 7-10 1. How many people in this chapter were good examples of faith? 2. What did they all have in common? 3....

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Famous- Week One

Who is someone famous you look up? What do they do? Why do you look up to them? Read Luke 22:24-30 1. What was it that the disciples were arguing about? 2. Why was it a big deal for the dis...

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The Great Escape- Week Five

When was a time that you gave up on something? Why did you give up? Read Exodus 17: 2-6 1. Why where the people of Israel complaining this time? 2. What did Moses do in this moment? 3. Do y...

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The Great Escape- Week Four

How do you show people that you trust them? Read Exodus 14:21-25 1. Why where the Egyptians going after the Israelite people? 2. What was it that Moses did to split the sea? 3. Why was Mose...

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The Great Escape- Week Three

Have you ever made an excuse on why you can’t do anything? What was it? Read Exodus 4:13-17 1. Why do you think God was getting angry at Moses? 2. Do you think Moses wanted to do what God had asked him? Why or ...

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