Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Chronicles of Beach Shack – Week 2

Would you rather be able to talk to fish or breath underwater? Would you rather be able to talk to fish or breath underwater? Read John 4:9-15 Why was the woman surprised when Jesus talked to her? It is important to ask for help.  Whe...

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Chronicles of Beach Shack – Week 1

What is one of your favorite memories with water? (Waterpark, pool, lake, etc.) Read Exodus 14:13-18 When God divided the waters of the Red Sea, what did this teach the Israelites? God controls the waters because He is all-powerful. What are some other thi...

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Hello, My Name Is – Week 4

How long does it take for you to finish something you started? (Video games, books, homework, etc.) Read Genesis 1:1-5 God has been there since the beginning. Who is someone in your life that has been with you for a long time? We all start somewhere. Where did hum...

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Hello, My Name Is – Week 3

What is your favorite memory with your father figure? Read Mark 14:34-36 Jesus calls God "father" when He was suffering. When was a time you went to your dad/father figure for help? What are some things that are similar with our fathers and God our father? What ar...

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Hello, My Name Is – Week 2

Who is your favorite superhero, and why? If you do not know any superheroes, who is a hero to you and why? Read Genesis 17:1-5 God made a deal with Abraham when Abraham was 99 years old. What was that deal? How could God make Abraham a father of a nation when Abra...

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Hello, My Name Is – Week 1

If you could be president of the U.S., what is one rule you would make? Read Exodus 3:10-15 When we think of a lord, what comes to mind? (Royalty most likely) How does God being Lord differ from a lord of today? Since God is Lord, we should give Him our ...

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Granny Hanny’s Neighborhood – Week 5

When it comes to rules for a game, do you like to make up your own rules or follow the rules that are given? Read Joshua 6:1-20. Joshua obeyed God, and he had obeyed God before. Is it easy for you to obey God? Why or why not? When Joshua saw an angel, it said Josh...

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Granny Hanny’s Neighborhood – Week 4

Have you ever wanted to learn another language?  What language and why? Read Genesis 11:1-9 What were the people trying to build, and why? Why do you think God scattered or separated the people? Define humble. How do you think this may have humbled ...

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Granny Hanny’s Neighborhood – Week 3

What is something that took a long time for you to understand? (playing an instrument, math, a sport, etc.) Read 1 Samuel 17:8-10 Is there something you did that seemed impossible to do at first? What was it? Read 1 Samuel 17:47-50 No one thou...

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Granny Hanny’s Neighborhood – Week 2

What types of things do we wear or use to protect ourselves? (Masks, goggles, sporting equipment, seatbelts, door locks, shoes, etc.) Read Exodus 1:22 and Exodus 2:1-10.  What did Moses’s sister do for him as a baby? Moses is taken in by Pharaoh’s...

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