Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Real Love – Week 3

Read Matthew 6:26 What kinds of things does God do for us to show that He cares more about us than animals?  Using John 3:16, talk to your kids about how great God's love is for us. Explain how incredible it is that God sent Jesus to die for us. How should we respond ...

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Real Love – Week 2

Talk to your kids about how you show love to others. Let them know that the kind of love you are talking about is different than romantic love and family love.   Read Luke 10:25-37 What did the Samaritan do to show love to his neighbor? Based on this parable, ...

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Real Love – Week 1

Talk to your kids about how our actions as Christians are supposed to set us apart from other people. Let them know that showing love to our enemies is one of those actions. Make a list with your kids of the people considered your enemies. Read Matthew 5:42-47 Why is it so...

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Get 2 Steppin’ – Week 3

Talk to your kids about a time you stepped up for Jesus. Read Acts 2:14 This is probably the first time Peter spoke in front of a large crowd about Jesus, do you think he was nervous or scared? Peter gave a speech to step up for Jesus, what ways can YOU step up fo...

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Get 2 Steppin’ – Week 2

Talk to your kids about trusting God. Tell them about a time you put your trust in God. Read Proverbs 3:5-6 How hard is it to trust God all the time? What is the difference between God’s understanding and our understanding of things? What parts of ...

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Get 2 Steppin’ – Week 1

Talk to your kids about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Let them know that it is important to let our faith control every part of our lives. Read Matthew 4:18-22 What do you think Jesus meant by saying Peter would fish for people? What did Jesus ask Peter...

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Best of 2020 – Week 1

Talk to your kids about some good things that happened in 2020. Ask them to name some good things that last a very long time. Let them know that none of those things can outlast God’s goodness. Read Psalm 136:1 What do you think it means that God is good? Ho...

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Good News – Week 3

Talk to your kids about waiting for things. Give them some examples of things that need the right timing to be enjoyed (cake, swimming in a lake, building a snowman, etc.). Let them know that God has set certain times for certain events and His timing is the best.   Read Luke...

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Good News – Week 2

Talk to your kids about how people travelled during the time that Jesus was born. Let them know that it could take more than a day to travel to places that only takes us hours today.   Read Matthew 2:1-12 Why did the Magi travel from where they lived to Jerusalem and ...

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Good News – Week 1

Ask your kids to make a list of their favorite things about Christmastime. Let them know that that the reason we celebrate Christmas is Jesus and He is the best gift we will ever receive.  Read Luke 2:1-20 Who made a big deal out of Jesus being born? Why is Jesus&rsqu...

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