Elementary: Weekly Devotional

iHanny- Week Three

What is the craziest/funniest thing a friend has told you? Read Acts 8: 30-34 What was the Ethiopian man reading from? What did Philip do once he heard the man reading scripture? Why do you think it was important for Philip to help the man? ...

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iHanny- Week Two

Do you think that you are a good friend to people? Read 1 Samuel 20:19-23 What was the promise that Jonathan made to David? How was Jonathan being a good friend to David in this moment? Do you have a good friend? What are they like? Wha...

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iHanny- Week One

What is a law you would make as a king or queen? Read 1 Kings 12: 6-11 What two groups of people did Rehoboam ask for advice? Which group would you ask for advice if you were in his shoes? Why? ...

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Circus Circus- Week Four

We are saved when we put our trust in Jesus! What is the best gift you have ever gotten? Read Ephesians 2:7-10 1.What do you think the word “grace” means? 2.What do w...

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Circus Circus- Week Three

We are super Smart when we trust God, Who is the smartest person you know? How do you think they got to be so smart? Read 1 Kings 3: 7-12 1.Solomon was known as a wise king, how did he get to be so wise? ...

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Circus Circus- Week Two

What is the bravest thing you have ever done? Read Esther 4:16 through Esther 5:3 1.What made Esther so brave according to these verses? 2.Do you think Esther was scared to go to the king for her reques...

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Circus Circus- Week one

We are Super strong when we trust God. Do you ever wish you were super strong? What would you do if you were? Read Judges 16:27-30 1.Who has heard of the story of samson before? What happened before this?...

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Clueless- Week Three

Do you like being by yourself or with other people? Do you like being by yourself or with other people?  Read Acts 2: 44-47 1. Why do you think the believers sold everything and gave it to the needy? 2. In the passage was it just a few people that did this ...

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Clueless- Week Two

Who would you want to be friends with, someone who only wants something from you or someone who like hanging out with you? Why? Read Philippians 4: 6-9 1. When do you pray to God and how often? 2. Do you think God only wants to hear from you when you want something?...

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Clueless- Week One

What is something that you think is pretty easy? Read Romans 3:21-25 What is it that Jesus saved us from? What do you think it means when it says, “God has shown us a way to be made right with him...”? How do we fall short of God’s stan...

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