Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Splat Lab - Week 1

Talk to your kids about the kinds of messes that sin can make. Give them some examples of how sin can spread and make more messes. Read Romans 3:23 What things are considered sin? Has there ever been a person who has not sinned? What are the conseq...

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AWEsome – Week 3

Talk to your kids about the things they have in common with family members, friends, and classmates. Point out that we all have things in common because God made us. Read Genesis 1:27 What do you think it means to be created in the image of God? Why do you...

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AWEsome – Week 2

Talk to your kids about their favorite animal. Why is it their favorite? Does that animal make a good pet? Read Genesis 1:20-25 What did God create first, animals or the environments where they live? How many different kinds of sea creatures can you name? ...

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AWEsome – Week 1

Read Genesis 1:1 What can we learn about God from just this one verse? How old is God? How big is God? How powerful is God? Read Psalm 19:1 How are these things declaring, or telling, about God? Things in na...

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Kids Planet Special – Week 2

When you think of your dad (or another special guy in your life) what qualities come to mind? Parents, make sure to share things about your dads too! Read Psalm 103:13 How does this verse describe God? This weekend we learned that even though we all make m...

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Kids Planet Special – Week 1

What is the difference between an accident and a mistake? Accident: Noun - an event that happens by chance. Mistake: Noun - an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. Talk to your kids about a time when they made a big mistake. What were the consequences of that mis...

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Respect - Week 3

What does it mean to be responsible for something? What are some things that you are responsible for? Read Matthew 25:19-21 After the master returned from his trip, what did he do? Why do you think the master was pleased with his servant? W...

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Respect – Week 2

If you could only eat one unhealthy thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Why is your body like a temple? Why is it respectful to God when we take care of our bodies? Are you ever disrespectful to your body? ...

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Respect – Week 1

Who is one person that you look up to? Parents, talk to your kids about what it means to be respectful. Explain that Respect is a way of treating or thinking about someone. All kinds of people deserve our respect, such as authority figures, like teachers or police officers, o...

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WWJD – Week 5

Go around the table and describe what you did today. How many minutes/hours a day do you watch TV or spend messing around? How many minutes/hours a day do you pray or read your Bible? Read Luke 2:41-52 Go back and reread verse 52. In what ways can ...

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