Elementary: Weekly Devotional

No More Excuses- Week Four

Have you ever done something that you felt bad for doing afterwards? What was it? Read Luke 5:5-111. What did Jesus command the fisher men to do? Did they listen?2. What happened when the fisher men listened to Jesus?3. What would you do if you were the fishermen and was...

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No More Excuses- Week Three

What is a super power you wish you could have? Why? Read John 4:4-9 Why do you think God wants to have everyone share his message? Where did Jesus and the disciples stop for a rest? Why do you think it is important that they stopped in Samaria? ...

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No More Excuses- Week Two

What is something you are good at and what is something you aren’t good at? Read Judges 6:14-18 (243-244) What excuses did Gideon use when talking with God? How did God respond to all these excuses? Do you think Gideon felt comforted knowing God wo...

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No More Excuses

What is something that you are afraid of? Read Exodus 3:9-12 (Page 61) 1.What was God sending Moses to go do? 2.How would you respond if someone told you to do something hard or scary? ...

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React- Week 5

What is something that never fails to make you happy?  Read John 15:9-12 What does it look like for you when you are joyful/happy? What does Jesus say we should do so we could experience joy? Is it hard to be kind to other people for you? ...

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React- Week 4

Trusting God Calms Our Fears Trusting God Calms Our Fears  It’s normal to feel scared is there something you are scared of? Luke 8:23-25 (Page 1014) 1. What was happening that the disciples were scared? 2. How did they react when they were in the st...

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React- Week 3

God is close in our sadness When was a time that you were sad? What happened? Luke 22:41-46 What did Jesus do when He was upset? Was Jesus really alone when He was praying? Are we ever alone? Why do you think Jesus went to pray to God? ...

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React- Week 2

Don’t sin by letting anger control you. When was a time you got angry? What happened? Read Numbers 20: 8-12 What was Moses supposed to do to give everyone water? Did Moses do exactly what God told him to? Why do you think Moses was so angry...

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React- Week 1

God helps us to show our emotions in the right way Would you say you are an emotional person? Is it easy or hard for you to show how you feel? Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 & 4-6 What do you think this verse means when it says, “for everything there is a season&...

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Avenue- Week 4

Is Jesus for everyone or only for nice people? Read Jonah 4:7-11 Why was Jonah upset at first? Do you think Jonah had a right to be angry both times? Why do you think God wanted to spare Nineveh? Is it easy or hard for you to be nice to people ...

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