Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Granny Hanny's Neighborhood - Week 1

Share a story with your family about a time you tried something that you were not very good at.  Did you quit or keep trying? Read Genesis 6:17-22 ...

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Now What!? – Week 3

Have you ever told a friend about Jesus?  What happened, how did they react, etc.?   Read Matthew 28:16-20 What is a disciple? What does Jesus want us to do now that we know He is alive? It’s hard to tell people about Jesus someti...

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Now What!? – Week 2

Have you ever heard something in your head telling you something was right or wrong?  If so, what was the situation where that happened?   Read Acts 1:2-9 Why did Jesus say “baptized in the Holy Spirit” instead of you will be given the Holy Spi...

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Now What – Week 1

Have you ever seen something so cool you didn’t believe it?  What was it?   Read John 20:24-29 Why do you think Jesus said, “peace be with you,” when He entered the locked room? Jesus showed Thomas proof He was real. Why do you ...

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Believe It or Not – Week 5

What is the most unbelievable thing you have seen? How did it make you feel when you saw it?   Read Matthew 28:1-10 Why do you think the angel rolled back the rock if Jesus was already not in the tomb? Why do you think the angel said to go tell the di...

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Believe It or Not – Week 4

Who is someone you think is the best at what they do? (Fortnite player, quarterback, singer, etc.)   Read Psalms 18:30-32 Why do you think it called God a shield? What are some things He protects us from? We may not be perfect, but God is. What do you...

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Believe It or Not – Week 3

Ask your child, have you ever felt like you didn’t belong somewhere?  What was that like?  What happened?  Read Philippians 3:13-21 What is the goal that was mentioned in verse 14? Sometimes we face some hard times as Christians. What is somet...

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Believe It or Not – Week 2

Have you ever found random money somewhere? How did you react, and what did you do with it? Read Matthew 17:24-27 Peter lied about Jesus paying the tax. Why has Jesus never paid the temple tax before? Jesus refers to Himself as a citizen of the kingdom of God, so ...

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Believe It or Not – Week 1

Ask your child, if they could talk to any animal in the world, which one would they talk to and why? Read Numbers 22:28-31 Why do you think the donkey could see the Angel but Balaam could not? God gave the donkey the ability to speak. Why do you think He did that?...

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Real Love – Week 4

Talk to your child about things that they find important and why they find those things important? Read Matthew 22:34-40 Why do you think Jesus said loving God is the greatest commandment?Read 1 John 4:7-10 Touch on how and why God showed His love for us by having Hi...

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