Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Away at Camp- Week 4

Who is a friend that you truly care about? Why do you care for them? Read John 11:1-3 & 33-36 What was happening in the beginning of the chapter?...

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Away at Camp- Week 3

Ask your kids how their week was, see if anything interesting happened to them? Have you ever given up on something? What was it? Read Acts 15:36-41 Who were the peop...

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Away at Camp- Week 2

Ask your kids how their week was, see if anything interesting happened to them? Would you say you are helpful? Read Acts 10:7&26-29 Cornelius had a vision, wh...

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Away at Camp- Week 1

Do you find it easy or hard to trust people? Why? Read Genesis 12:1-51. What did God instruct Abram to do? If you were Abr...

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Summer Bucket List- Week 3

Ask, how do you decide whether or not something is, “the right thing to do? Read Esther 4:11-161. What would happen if you disrupted ...

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Summer Bucket List- Week 2

Ask, what do you think forgiveness means? Read Genesis 45: 4-81 Do you think Joseph was mad at his brothers? What do you think would happen if Jos...

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Summer Bucket List- Week 1

How can you tell if someone is a good friend? Read Ruth 1:14-181. What was Ruth’s response to Naomi telling her to go back hom...

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Kids Planet Rocks

Have you ever had to make a hard choice before? What was it? Read Daniel 6:19-23 This is a story that Daniel is well known for, do you know anything else about Daniel? What did the king do after he saw Daniel in the den? (read verse 2...

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Stories- Week 5

Has there been a time when you helped someone, what happened?  Read Luke 10:32-37 What happened to the man that caused him to lay o...

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Stories- Week 4

God is ready to listen to our prayers Do you think you are a goof listener? Why or why not? Read Luke 11:5-10 How would you react if a friend woke you up in the middle of the night? Jesus meant for this story to teach us about...

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