We serve a God who came to us when we were dead in our sin. When we were lost, He sent Jesus, His only Son, to rescue us from our sin. Our God longs to draw near to us. The question is, will we draw near to Him? To draw near to Him, we have to take steps to move in the directio...
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In a culture which seems to be "all about me," it is easy to become wrapped up in ourselves. If we are not careful, we may quickly find that we are living stagnant lives, lazy and unwilling to move forward. Today, we are going to take about this tendency toward laziness and dis...
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For your small group community to be healthy, you all must take time to talk about expectations and goals for the coming year. As we start a brand-new year of meeting together regularly, we want to make sure that we establish clear expectations for group members. This is a time...
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This week, we are celebrating the beginning of a new year. During this time of the year, many people consider how they would like their lives to change in the upcoming year. Some make a resolution to lose weight. Others decide to save more money in the next year. Some determine...
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There are few things more comforting when you are going through a difficult time than to hear the words, "I am with you." So much comfort can be found in the fact that you are not alone when life is hard. This week, we are looking at a name for Jesus found in Scripture that rem...
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Among all of the different names for God found in Scripture, one of His most special, intimate names is "Abba." This is a term of endearment for a father, most similar to our word "daddy." Scripture reveals that when we place our faith in Him, we become God's sons and daughters...
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In continuation of our study on the names of God, today, we are talking about a name for Jesus found in Scripture: Christ. We will see the significance of His name. Additionally, we will see that now that Christ has returned to heaven, we are His representatives on earth who ge...
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This week, we are talking about one specific name for God that is found in Scripture: God of Angel Armies. The study of angels throughout Scripture is fascinating. Angels were created by God, and they were created with a specific purpose. They worship God and serve Him in a num...
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Pride is such a sneaky sin. It is so easy to recognize in other people, but quite difficult to see in ourselves. It can blind us in such a way that we are unaware of it. Today, we are going to take our blinders off and face our pride. We will learn from the life Nebuchadnezzar ...
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