Small Group Studies

Get in the Game: Week 5

BIG IDEA On any team, the best teammates are those who are fully devoted to their sport and their team. Fully devoted teammates are driven. They work hard. They are committed to their team. They do whatever it takes to support their team and win their game. Everyone w...

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A Stubborn Heart

 BIG IDEA All of us want to have growing, thriving relationships. For those who are married, we want to have strong, steady marriages that point the people around us to C...

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Get in the Game: Week 4

  BIG IDEA This world teaches us to look out for ourselves. According to the world’s standards, we deserve to be served. Everything is about us. Jesus came and taught something completely different in a world focused on self-centerednes...

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Get in the Game: Week 3

  BIG IDEA In week three of this series, Get in the Game we are talking about one of the greatest tools God has given to us as we fight in the battle that the enemy is waging against us: Christian community. We were never meant to live life alone. God has given us eac...

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Sagebrush 25th Anniversary

  BIG IDEA It is a special week as we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of our church. Over the past 25 years, we have seen God do incredible things in and through our church as we seek to know Christ and to make Christ known. Our mission statement, to know Christ an...

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Get in the Game: Week 2

BIG IDEA In our new series, Get in the Game, we are learning that there is a spiritual battle going on every day. This is a battle we must take seriously. There are people all over the world who are in need of the hope that Jesus off...

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Get in the Game: Week 1

BIG IDEA We started a new series this week called "Get in the Game." During the weekend message, we learned that there is a real spiritual battle happening every day, and we need to take that battle seriously. There are people all around us who need ...

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Best of 2023

BIG IDEA For your small group community to be healthy, you all need to take time to talk about expectations and goals for the coming year. As we start a brand-new year of meeting together regularly, we want to make sure that we establish clear expect...

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Put God in the Driver's Seat: Week 1

BIG IDEA The weekend message, "Put God in the Driver's Seat," challenged each of us to consider our sense of control when it comes to our lives. You see, many of us live like we are in control of our lives and try to live life on our...

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Christmas Chaos: Week 1

BIG IDEA Christmas is supposed to be "the most wonderful time of the year." But, while Christmas is wonderful for some, for many, it is chaotic. We find ourselves caught up in getting the perfect gifts, baking all of the cookies, and deco...

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