Small Group Studies

Level Up: Week 1

  BIG IDEA This week, we are starting a brand-new series called Level-Up where we are continuing our study on the book of Ephesians. Today, we are looking at Ephesians 4 and how our attitudes can better represent Chris...

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All in or Almost

  BIG IDEA Throughout His ministry on earth, Jesus taught that we are either "all in" or not in at all. There is no in-between or almost all-in. Following Jesus means giving up everything else in this wor...

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Treasure Hunt: Week 3

  BIG IDEA We are currently in the middle of our series, Treasure Hunt, and whether we realize it or not, we are all searching for treasure. Many people are searching for acceptance by a particular person, financia...

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Treasure Hunt: Week 2

BIG IDEA When sin entered the world, it infiltrated everything. No person could escape sin's grasp. Sin brought about death. From that moment on, sin and death ruled like masters. It seemed like there was no hope for humanity. But God had a plan. He woul...

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Treasure Hunt: Week 1

BIG IDEA This week, we began a brand-new series called Treasure Hunt, where we are studying the book of Ephesians. This unique, important book of the Bible teaches us about our identity in Christ. After all, Jesus’ death and resurrection changed everyt...

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What If: Week 3

BIG IDEA In our world today, "busy" is a positive word. Many people thrive off of busy schedules and work hard nonstop. If we are not careful, we find ourselves run-down and exhausted, completely depleted of energy. What we need is a reminder to rest. In fact, even Scripture...

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What If: Week 2

BIG IDEA We are in the middle of a brand-new series called What If? This week, we are answering an essential question for anyone who claims to follow Jesus: What If we loved people like Jesus calls us to? During His ministry on Earth, Jesus called His followe...

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What If: Week 1

  BIG IDEA If you were to ask a room full of people if they struggle with worry, well over half of the room would raise their hands. Worry has become an increasingly alarming struggle that so many people face. Because ...

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Greatest Story Ever Told: Week 7

BIG IDEA In our final week of The Greatest Story Ever Told, we are looking at the books of Acts through Revelation. Acts recounts the birth of the church. Romans through Jude are known as epistles, which are letters written by church leaders to instruct Chris...

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Greatest Story Ever Told: Week 6

  BIG IDEA We learned in the weekend sermon that between the Old and New Testaments were 400 years of silence. God was not speaking to His people through prophets, and no angels were visiting God's people with messages from Him. Finally, afte...

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