Small Group Studies

100% Week 4 Study

BIG IDEA Jesus made it clear to all of His followers that following Him would not make them popular or successful in the eyes of this world. He taught it would often be the exact opposite. Many times, following J...

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100% Week 3 Study

BIG IDEA Not much gives us insight into what we value the most and what is important to us than our wallets. A look into one’s bank account can quickly tell us about them. Money is not always an easy topic ...

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100% Week 2 Study

BIG IDEA Giving God 100% has to include our relationships. Scripture makes it clear that God calls us to excellence in each one of our relationships, especially our relationships with our spouses. When we pursue ...

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100% Week 1 Study

BIG IDEA “What does it look like to give God 100%?” This is the question we are asking and answering in this new sermon series. Most of us always want to give our best, but we may wonder what that loo...

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Best of 2021 Study

BIG IDEA For your small group community to be healthy, you all need to take time to talk about expectations and goals for the coming year. As we start a brand-new year of meeting together regularly, we want to make sure that we establish clear expectations fo...

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Small Group Study, Week of January 2, 2022

BIG IDEA As we enter into this new year, 2022, it is hard not to reflect on the last two years we have faced. It has, undoubtedly, been a difficult time for most. It is easy to enter into this year with hope for ...

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Small Group Study, Week of December 26, 2021

BIG IDEA We have just celebrated Christmas, so it is only fitting to talk about the greatest gift we have ever received: Jesus Christ. Jesus, the Son of God, the King of Kings, came to earth in the most unlikely way: as a newborn baby. Even from His birth, Je...

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In or Out Week 4 Study

BIG IDEA Who is Jesus? This is the question we are asking and answering today, and the way we answer this question changes everything. Our answer affects everything we believe about our faith. This is not a new question. In fact, Jesus, Himself asked His disc...

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In or Out Week 3 Study

BIG IDEA Today we are talking about our priorities. The Oxford Dictionary defines a priority as “a thing that is regarded as more important than another.” The definition is simple enough, but talking about and owning our priorities is entirely dif...

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In or Out Week 2 Study

BIG IDEA Most people, if not all, would say that they believe showing love to others is critical. They would say that being a loving person is an important quality for anyone to have. However, the truth is that while it is easy to talk about the importance of...

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