Waiting is difficult for many of us. Whether we are waiting on a spouse, a dream job, or a child, waiting presents obstacles. Today we are going to talk about waiting. We are going to look at the story of Abraham's search for a wife for his son, Isaac, led by his servant in Gen...
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Sometimes, when we face certain monsoons in our lives, it is simply our own fault. For example, if we continuously spend money that we do not have, and end up in credit card debt, the poor financial situation that we are in is our own fault. There is no other way around it. Som...
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Sometimes monsoons come on us so suddenly and shockingly that we feel like the world is spinning at warped-speed around us, and we are struggling to stand up, let alone make sense of it all. This leads us to pause, look around, and cry out, "What is happening?" In fact, many of...
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Have you ever found yourself asking, "Why, God?" Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a monsoon wondering what God is doing in your life? Have you wondered why your circumstance is happening the way it is happening? Maybe you are feeling all of these things right now. ...
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While we all prefer perfect weather with no storms in our lives, monsoons of suffering are going to happen. This world is broken. This becomes most obvious to us when we face our own times of suffering. When this happens, the question is: how do we respond? How do we suffer wel...
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When I was on a class trip in high school, two of my friends were very bored. To entertain themselves, they decided to see how many rocks they could put in people's backpacks. I watched very carefully to make sure they did not put any rocks in my backpack, but when I was not lo...
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This week, as Stages of The Cross comes to an end, we are talking about the whole reason why we celebrate Easter, Jesus' resurrection from the dead. As we study about the resurrection of Jesus, we are going to see that because Jesus rose from the dead, we have hope. We have hop...
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As Jesus was dying on the cross, He said the words, "My God, My God, why have You abandoned me?" (Matthew 25:46). In this moment, Jesus expressed feeling a sense of loneliness that came with feeling distant from God the Father because He was taking on the sins of the world. Des...
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