Small Group Studies

Stages of the Cross: Week 5 Study

BIG IDEA As Jesus was dying a criminal's death on the cross, He looked at his mother, Mary. "Dear woman," He said, "here is your son," referring to the disciple John (John 19:26). Next, He looked at John and said: "Here is your mother" (John 19:27). From that moment, John took Mary in a...

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Stages of the Cross: Week 4 Study

BIG IDEA When Jesus was crucified, He was nailed on a cross between two criminals. One of these criminals, observing what was happening, expressed faith in Jesus as the Son of God. As Jesus was dying, this criminal said to Him, "remember me" (Luke 23:42). Jesus responded by saying, "Tod...

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Stages of the Cross: Week 3 Study

BIG IDEA As Jesus was dying an agonizing death on a cross, the Bible records seven statements He made before He died. One of these statements is found in Luke 23:34, where Jesus prayed for the people who had just nailed Him to the cross. "Father forgive them," He prayed, "for they don't...

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Is God Able: Week 1 Study

BIG IDEA Do you believe that God is able? Do you believe that He is able to work in powerful ways in the lives of people? Better yet, do you believe that He is able to work in your own life? In our study this week, we are going to be reminded that God is, indeed, able. He is able to wor...

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Stages of the Cross: Week 2 Study

BIG IDEA Do you remember your first day of school? For some of us, it was terrifying! Venturing into the unknown, learning a new schedule, and making new friends was not going to be easy. Think about Jesus, who came down into the earth to pay the very high price for our sins. Despite th...

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Stages of the Cross: Week 1 Study

BIG IDEA Every day, we make intentional decisions. We decide to eat healthy so that we feel better. We leave our homes early for work so that we can arrive on time. We watch football or the latest television show so that we have something to talk about with our friends. We are entering ...

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Be Brave: Week 6 Study

BIG IDEA All of us reading this today probably understand that sharing our faith and making Christ known to the lost people around us is critical. In fact, some of Jesus' last words before He left earth and returned to heaven were instructions to His disciples to make Him known to the w...

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Be Brave: Week 5 Study

BIG IDEA In our world today, we are all worried about many things. We are worried about the unknown, the unlikely, and the uncontrollable. Things that concern us include our finances, our health and the health those we love and care about, our relationships, upcoming decisions, and the ...

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Be Brave: Week 4 Study

BIG IDEA This week we are talking about a topic that we don't always like to talk about, but we certainly need to: money. Depending on the way we choose to spend our finances, we can use our money to glorify God, or we can spend it all in a way that dishonors Him. Today we are going to ...

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Be Brave: Week 3 Study

BIG IDEA Most of us do not spend enough time thinking about relationships. We pass through the busyness of life, missing the fact that God created us for relationships. One of the main reasons we put this on the back burner is because relationships can be difficult. In your relationship...

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