Remix Notes

Simple- Week 6

Are you really good at making excuses for things you don’t want to do? For example, when it’s time to do your chores or go spend time with those family members you don’t want to see, all of a sudden you have homework that you have to get done. ...

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Simple- Week 4

Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t know what to say to another person?  When Todd, our Pastor, was in the 5th grade he saw a girl at church named Jill, and he thought she was smoking hot. In fact, sh...

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Simple- Week 3

Have you ever heard people pray and wonder what in the world they are doing?  Today, we are going to talk about prayer. For you and I to have a close relationship with God, we have to spend some time talking to Go...

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Simple- Week 1

Today we are beginning a brand-new series called “Simple.” In the next few weeks, we are going to try to understand what it really means to have a relationship with God, and hopefully realize it’s not as hard as we make it to be sometimes. ...

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Asking for a Friend- Week 4

Have you ever seen someone get really angry about something really small? Like when you are at a stoplight and the light turns green. If you don’t go within 0.5 seconds of the light turning green, the dude in the truck behind you is already laying on his horn...

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Asking for a Friend- Week 3

Have you ever seen someone build a really elaborate domino train? I love the idea of setting the dominoes up and watching them all fall into place.  Have you ever tried to build something like that? I tried a mill...

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Asking for a Friend- Week 2

I want you to think back to a time when you were a little kid and you were scared of something. Maybe you watched a scary movie with your older siblings. Maybe you saw a sketchy-looking stranger in public. Personally, I was always terrified of mascots growing up. Those...

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Asking for a Friend- Week 1

What is your least favorite type of movie? My least favorite movies are tragedies. I hate movies that end with me feeling sad.  A pastor in Texas tells a story of a time he went to see a movie with his wife. The movie was...

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Love Isn't Blind- Week 3

Do you guys know what a red flag is when it comes to friendships or relationships? For me, a huge red flag is when someone likes cats. Or a big red flag… when someone is an Astros fan. What about pineapple on pizza? Or for you Marvel fans, leaving a Marvel movie...

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Love Isn't Blind Week 2

Welcome to week 2 of Love Isn’t Blind! Last week we started talking about dating and love, and asked the question… Is Love Blind? We’ve all heard of those ridiculous game shows on TV like “Love is Blind”, and even “The Dating Game,&...

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