Remix Notes

Kryptonite: Week 4

Anyone ever felt lazy? We call it by many names today. Some call it apathy, slothfulness, despair, or procrastination. Whatever you decide to call it, it is the sin that: ...

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Kryptonite: Week 3

A few years ago, our pastor Todd got the stomach flu. Todd was so sick. His head was pounding, his stomach was rumbling. He was hoping the doctor could give him something to help him so he is sitting with a bunch of people in the waiting room praying that the nurse would call his name next when a...

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Kryptonite: Week 2

Envy and jealousy. No one wants to talk about these feelings because if we did, we would come off sounding like a spoiled rotten baby but it is in us. I know it is in me. Envy raises its ugly head every time I hear about a church that has a bigger student ministry than ours. Rather ...

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Kryptonite: Week 1

I loved Superman because he is so strong. When he dresses like Clark Kent with those glasses, he fools everybody right. He acts all weak and wimpy but you know under those glasses is the man of steel. When I was a kid, I wanted to be Superman. I wanted his X-ray vision, wanted to be...

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Sex Talk: Week 3

Have you ever done this with anything? Have you ever been so into something that it literally takes over your life? Maybe for you it’s clothes or getting the latest phone. Or maybe you do this with people. You have your eye on a guy. You have his class schedule memorized. You have h...

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Sex Talk: Week 2

A young man went down to the local drug store to buy some chocolates. He wanted a one-pound, a three-pound, and a five-pound box of candy, each box gift-wrapped. The Pharmacist helped the young man and had the woman behind the counter wrap the boxes up. As she wrapped up the boxes the Pha...

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Sex Talk: Week 1

One of the pastors at Sagebrush tells us a story about when a friend asked them if they could help put a playground together. They didn’t think helping their friend put together this playground set would be that big of a deal but have you ever put one of these things together? It’s aw...

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yours: Week 3

Our words are so powerful. When we say to someone “Hey I really like this you should check this out.” That has an impact. I mean, think about influencers on youtube and tik tok. People make entire careers out of inviting people to try something out. Whether it's a product or service o...

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yours: Week 2

If you have been around church for a long time, you have probably seen some interesting interruptions in a church service. Like have you ever been in the room when the moment is practically silent, the pastor is in a very serious part of the message when all of a sudden someone in the front row r...

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Red Light Green Light: Week 4

I hope you are as excited as I am for 2023 especially for everything we are going to do and see God do as a church this year. We spent all of December setting goals for the year. We talked about what we are going to stop and start. We wrote them down and we talked about why we want to set the goa...

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