Remix Notes

Skeptic: Week 3

A woman looked out her kitchen window and saw her German shepherd shaking the life out of the neighbor's pet rabbit. Her relationship with the neighbor was rocky, and she knew this certainly would make matters worse. She snatched a broom from the closet, ran outside, and beat on the dog until he ...

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Skeptic: Week 2

People often assume that religions across the world are similar, but in reality, they arent. World religions aren't close to what they believe and yet we hear analogies like the mountain illustration. You have heard this haven’t you? God is on top of the mountain and there are many paths to...

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Skeptic: Week 1

Our world appears to be spinning out of control, doesn’t it? We look at all the evil things people do to each other and we see so much suffering and we wonder why God doesn't do something about all of this. It all just seems so unfair. Why do some people live long lives and o...

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Move: Week 4

Imagine that you just graduated high school and decided to join the military. After a few years our country is attacked. There is a nation threatening our freedom and our peace so we have to go to battle. You join the armed forces that are heading out to the battlefield and you are ready ...

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Move: Week 3

We are in Week 3 of Move! Check out this Q&A about worship.  ...

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Move: Week 1

Trust is so important right? In a friendship or a relationship, you have to trust each other or you aren’t going to make it very far. Think about it, if you are constantly worrying about whether or not your best friend is going to fail you, that’s not going to make a very good friends...

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James: Week 5

How many of you have a best friend that you feel like you can talk to about anything? That’s the best kind of friend because it doesn’t matter what is going on you have someone to talk to. You can talk about school, your grades and how your classes are going. You have someone to rant ...

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James: Week 4

How many of you know a prideful person? They are kinda annoying right? So quick to judge and brag about their own accomplishments. None likes a prideful person. But have you ever noticed how easy it is to point out the pride in someone else and you totally miss it in yourself? Today we ar...

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James: Week 3

Whether it’s a funny sound on tik tok or a slogan for your favorite company or a line from a movie. Words stick. They play over and over in the back of our heads until we replace them with some new set of words. It’s not just catchy song lyrics and the Mcdonald's slogan that stick wit...

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James: Week 2

Have you ever said you were going to do something but you didn’t? Like has your mom ever asked you to take something out of the freezer for dinner before she gets home? You say yes but of course after 10 minutes of video games you have forgotten the conversation even happened and before you...

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