Remix Notes

The End: Week 2

When Pastor Todd was a teenager, he saw a movie called “A Thief in the Night”. It scared the begiggers out of him. The movie is about a married woman who went to church every week but it was kind of obvious she went more out of obligation than anything else. She never took Jesus very ...

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Talk to Me: Week 3

The past couple weeks we have been looking at how powerful our tongue is. And I want to start today off with a question. How many have ever been made to feel invincible because of someone's words? I would hope we could all say we have. Today we are going to look at a story about a guy who...

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Talk To Me: Week 2

 Have you ever heard the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?” Well, we all have, but I guess the real question is how many of you believe that statement is true? We all have a story of when words hurt us. One of our Student Pastors...

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Talk To Me: Week 1

What's the most powerful thing you've ever heard someone say? Maybe it was a parent, a friend, or someone in your life who encouraged you to do something you would've never thought of without their input. Maybe it is a speech you heard in school. Think about the thousands of people that were chan...

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Forgiveness: Week 4

We know that God has called us to forgive others just as He has forgiven us. But what about forgiving yourself? Sometimes we forget about this one, but if you are anything like me; forgiving yourself is the hardest one. But here is the cool thing, our God is a God of second chances. Let me tell y...

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Forgiveness: Week 3

Has anyone ever blamed God or gotten mad at God for something that was kind of ridiculous? Maybe you didn't get a good grade on a test but you prayed really hard beforehand because you didn't study and now you're failing the class and of course, it’s God's fault because He didn't answer you...

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Forgiveness: Week 2

Do any of you know anyone who is really good at holding grudges? Ok be honest how many of you are the person who holds a grudge? Have you ever seen a couple Tik Tok influencers or music artists who have beef for months, years even, and it's usually over something like who called out who in a 8 se...

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Forgiveness: Week 1

How many of you have ever felt like you couldn't be forgiven for something? Like ever broken a window when you were a kid? Tripped and put a hole in the wall or your mom's favorite rug? Ever broken something that was your friend’s by accident and you felt so bad? Well, today we're going to ...

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Share: Week 3

I heard this story from one of our student pastors, whose freshman year of college they decided that in this new chapter of life, they wanted to learn something new. They picked up their roommate’s guitar and started to learn to play. If you ever picked up an instrument for the first time, ...

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Share: Week 2

Dr. Scott Todd was telling a story about a starfish that had washed up on the shore. There was an old man who daily went out for a morning walk along the beach. One day, after a storm, he saw a girl reaching down to the sand, picking up a starfish and very gently throwing it back into the ocean....

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