Remix Notes

James: Week 1

How many of you ever tried to make a deal with your siblings to get what you wanted? My siblings and I used to say things like “If you give me that I will do whatever you want.” Or “If you go do this thing for me I will say yes to everything you ask for an hour” sometimes ...

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Warzone: Week 5

The Bible teaches that we are in a battle against the powers of this dark world. Our enemy, the devil, wants to steal, kill and destroy you and me so every day we need to put on the full armor of God. In Ephesians 6, Paul shares with us the armor of God. So far, we have looked at th...

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Warzone: Week 4

I want to start our time together by giving you a brain teaser. Here is the scenario. You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus: 1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die....

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Warzone: Week 3

The Bible teaches that we are in a battle against the powers of this dark world. Our enemy the devil wants to steal, kill and destroy you and me. We are on a battlefield but I want you to never forget that we are not on this battlefield alone. We have each other and for those of you who have aske...

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Warzone: Week 2

Joe Aldrich in his book Unsolved Miracles shares about a village in the mountains of Iran where a number of new believers heard that they could find out more about Jesus if they could get the book Christians called the Bible. One night, a man had a dream that if he went down to the highway, some ...

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Warzone: Week 1

Roy Robertson was one of the brave men who found himself at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attacked America. His ship, the West Virginia, was docked at Pearl Harbor on the evening of December 6, 1941. He and a few of his friends left the ship that night and attended a Bible study. About fifteen s...

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Clue: Week 4

We are continuing our series called Clue and we are looking at the crucifixion of Jesus through the eyes of the people that were there and today we are going to look at what the soldiers saw on the day that Jesus was crucified. For the Roman Soldiers the day that Jesus was crucified...

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Clue: Week 3

I was reading a book the other day by Pete Wilson called Empty Promises and he talked about the gift of life and how many days God had given him so far in his life.  There are some d...

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Clue: Week 2

There is something within you and there is something within me that we want to see people get what they deserve. Have you ever seen the running of the bulls in Spain? These people are nuts. They actually run, in front of bulls, down a street. And sometimes the bull catches up to the...

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Kryptonite: Week 5

Do you know how to kill a frog? I know it’s a weird question but amazingly enough if you put a frog in a pot of water on your stove and over time slowly turn up the burner to increase the temperature of the water that frog will never attempt to jump out of the water because his body adjusts...

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