Preschool: Weekly Devotional

Dive In- Week 6

This weekend your preschooler learned to share Jesus. We looked at the story of Peter Speaks to the Crowd in Acts 2:1-41. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Who did Peter share Jesus with? What are some ways that we can share...

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Dive In- Week 5

This weekend your preschooler learned to know Jesus. We looked at the story of Peter Denies Jesus & Breakfast on the Beach in Luke 22:54-62 and John 21:1-17. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: What did Jesus tell his disciples on t...

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Dive In- Week 4

This weekend your preschooler learned to know Jesus. We looked at the story of Peter Denies Jesus & Breakfast on the Beach in Luke 22:54-62 and John 21:1-17. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Did Jesus forgive Peter for doing the ...

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Dive In- Week 3

This weekend your preschooler learned to talk to Jesus. We looked at the story of Jesus and the Children in Mark 10:13-16. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Who did Jesus want to talk to? How do we talk to Jesus...

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Dive In- Week 2

This weekend your preschooler learned to trust Jesus. We looked at story of Jesus Walks on Water in Matthew 14:22-33. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Why did Jesus walk on the water? What did Peter learn when Jesus walked ...

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Dive In- Week 1

This weekend your preschooler learned to follow Jesus. We looked at the story of Jesus Chooses Some Followers in Luke 5:1-11. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: How many people did Jesus choose to be his disciples? Why did Je...

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Crowned- Week 4

This weekend your preschooler learned that they can be kind. We looked at the story of Good King Asa in 2 Chronicles 14-16. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: How was King Asa kind? Who helps us be kind even when it’s h...

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Crowned- Week 3

This weekend your preschooler learned that they will show love. We looked at the story of The Forgiving King in Matthew 18:21-35. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Who did the forgiving king show love to? How ca...

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Crowned Week 2

This weekend your preschooler learned that they can do what is right. We looked at story of King Belshazzar in Daniel 5. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: What did King Belshazzar do that was wrong? How can we do the right t...

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Crowned Week 1

This weekend your preschooler learned that God helps them. We looked at the story of Esther in Esther 2-9. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Who did God help? How did God help Esther? How do we ask God for help?...

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