Preschool: Weekly Devotional

On The Go- Week 5

This weekend your preschooler learned that God is their Provider. We looked at the story of Fish and Loaves in Mark 6:30-44, John 6:8-9. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: How did all of the people get enough food to eat...

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On The Go- Week 4

This weekend your preschooler learned that God is their Defender. We looked at the story of Daniel and the Lions in Daniel 1:1-4, 6:1-28. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: When was a time that you were scared? ...

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On The Go- Week 3

This weekend your preschooler learned that God is their Healer. We looked at the story of Jesus Healing a Paralyzed Man in Luke 5:17-26. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Who healed the paralyzed man? What other kind of hurt...

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On The Go- Week 2

This weekend your preschooler learned that God is their Shepherd. We looked at the story of David in Psalm 23. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Who wrote this Psalm? Who took care of David?...

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On The Go- Week 1

This weekend your preschooler learned that God is their Lord. We looked at the story of Creation in Genesis 1-2. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Who made the whole world and everything in it? ...

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Way Out West- Week 4

This weekend your preschooler learned that God has a plan for them. We looked at the story of the Promised Land in Numbers 13-14. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: What was God's plan for the Israelites? ...

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Way Out West- Week 3

This weekend your preschooler learned that God tells them to obey. We looked at the story of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 19:1-20:17 and Deuteronomy 26:16-19. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Where does God give us H...

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Way Out West- Week 2

This weekend your preschooler learned that God helps them. We looked at the story of God Feeding the Israelites in Exodus 16-17. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Who helped the Israelites when they were hungry? ...

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Way Out West- Week 1

This weekend your preschooler learned that God cares about them. We looked at the story of Moses Growing Up in Exodus 1-3. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: What happened to Moses when he was a baby? ...

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I Can Pray- Week 4

This weekend your preschooler learned that they can talk to God about anything. We looked at the story of Ask, Seek, Knock in Matthew 7:7-12. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Does God like to give us good or bad things...

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