Preschool: Weekly Devotional

Fear Busters- Week 4

This weekend your preschooler learned that when they’re scared, God is with them. We looked at the story of the Promised Land in Numbers 13-14. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: What is something that has made you feel scared?...

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Fear Busters- Week 3

This weekend your preschooler learned that when they’re scared, God keeps them safe. We looked at the story of the Fiery Furnace in Daniel 3. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: How did God keep the boys safe? ...

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Fear Busters- Week 2

This weekend your preschooler learned that when they’re scared, they can trust Jesus. We looked at the story of Jesus stopping a storm in Matthew 8:23-27. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Why were the disciples scared? ...

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Fear Busters- Week 1

This weekend your preschooler learned that when they’re scared, they can pray. We looked at the story of Jesus teaching on prayer in Luke 11:1-13. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: How does Jesus tell us we should pray? ...

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Camp Wannastay- Week 6

This weekend your preschooler learned that leaders work hard. We looked at the story of Noah Obeying God in Genesis 6:5-...

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Camp Wannastay- Week 5

This weekend your preschooler learned that leaders do what’s right. We looked at the story of Nehemiah Rebuilding the Walls in Nehemiah 1...

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Camp Wannastay- Week 4

This weekend your preschooler learned that leaders obey. We looked at the story of David in 1 Samuel 17. Review that story with your pres...

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Camp Wannastay- Week 3

This weekend your preschooler learned that leaders help. We looked at the story of Food for Widows in Acts 6:1-7. Review that sto...

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Camp Wannastay- Week 2

This weekend your preschooler learned that leaders let others go first. We looked at the story of Deborah in Judges 4:1-16, ...

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Camp Wannastay- Week 1

This weekend your preschooler learned that Jesus is their leader. We looked at the story of Jesus Choosing Helpers in Matthew 4:18-22, Luk...

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