Preschool: Weekly Devotional

When Pigs Fly- Week Four

This weekend your preschooler learned that God does amazing things. We looked at the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11:38-44. Review this story with your preschooler and discuss the following questions: What very sad thing happened to Lazarus? Who br...

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When Pigs Fly- Week Three

This weekend your preschooler learned that they can be used by God. We looked at the story of young King Josiah in 2 Kings 22. Review this story with your preschooler and discuss the following questions: Who became king when he was a little boy? How old was Josiah when he...

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When Pigsd Fly- Week Two

This weekend your preschooler learned that God will help them! We looked at the story of Jacob wrestling an angel in Genesis 32. Review this story with your preschooler and discuss the following questions: Who wrestled an angel? Does God know about your problems? ...

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When Pigs Fly- Week One

This weekend your preschooler learned that God Is powerful. We looked at the story of Balaam and the talking donkey in Numbers 22:22-39. Review this story with your preschooler and discuss the following questions: What kind of animal talked in this story? Why did the donk...

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Game On- Week 4

This weekend your preschooler learned to have a happy heart. We looked at the story of Singing In Jail in Acts 16:16-34. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: How did Paul and Silas have a happy heart? Why is it important to be ...

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Game On- Week 3

This weekend your preschooler learned to do the right thing. We looked at the story of Paul’s Nephew Helps in Acts 23:12-35. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Why did Paul’s nephew help? How do we kn...

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Game On- Week 2

This weekend your preschooler learned about obeying. We looked at story of Paul Meets Jesus in Acts 9:1-20. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Who did Paul obey? Why is it important that we obey? ...

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Game On- Week 1

This weekend your preschooler learned to not give up. We looked at the story of Philip and the Ethiopian in Acts 8:26-40. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Why was Philip talking to the Ethiopian? What happened because Phili...

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Dive In- Week 8

This weekend your preschooler learned to share Jesus. We looked at the story of Peter Speaks to the Crowd in Acts 2:1-41. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: What did Peter tell the crowd? Who helped Peter get the courage to t...

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Dive In- Week 7

This weekend your preschooler learned to love their church. We looked at the story of The Boy Jesus At The Temple in Luke 2:41-52. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Why did Jesus go to church? What is your favorite thing abo...

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