Preschool: Weekly Devotional

Snowed Inn - Week 4

This weekend, your preschooler learned that God makes them strong. We looked at the story of Elisha Refusing Payment in 2 Kings 5. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Why did Elisha refuse payment? Did Elisha heal Naaman, or d...

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Snowed Inn – Week 3

This weekend, your preschooler learned that God has good plans. We looked at the story of Naaman's Servant Girl in 2 Kings 5:1-15. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: How did God use the servant girl to help Naaman? Did God ha...

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Snowed Inn – Week 2

This weekend, your preschooler learned that God is with them. We looked at the story of Ruth in Ruth 1-4. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: How did God help Ruth and Naomi? Who is always with you no matter what? Ho...

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Snowed Inn – Week 1

This weekend, your preschooler learned that God keeps His promises. We looked at the story of Abraham in Genesis 17:1-22, 18:10-15, and 21:1-7. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: What is a promise? What did God promise Abraha...

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Holly Jolly Kitchen – Week 4

This weekend your preschooler learned that they can be like Jesus. We looked at the story of Jesus Growing in Wisdom in Luke 2:41-52. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: How can you be like Jesus? Is going to chur...

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Holly Jolly Kitchen – Week 3

This weekend your preschooler learned that they can celebrate Jesus. We looked at the story of Jesus’ Birth in Luke 1:26-38 & Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-23. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Who do we celebrate at Christmas? ...

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Holly Jolly Kitchen – Week 2

This weekend your preschooler learned that God has a plan. We looked at the story of an Angel appearing to Joseph in Matthew 1:18-25. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Was it hard for Joseph to trust God’s plan for him? ...

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Holly Jolly Kitchen – Week 1

This weekend your preschooler learned that God can do anything. We looked at the story of Mary’s Good News in Luke 1:26-56. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: Have you ever tried to do something all by yourself, but it was too ha...

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Vroom - Week 6

This weekend your preschooler learned that love will never end. We lookedat the story of how much God loves His people in Exodus 1-16. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: 1. How did God show lov...

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Vroom - Week 5

This weekend your preschooler learned to always show love. We looked at the story of God protecting Moses in Exodus 1:8 – 2:10. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: 1. Do you think it is hard to show love to people who are mean ...

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