Seaside Surf: Weekly Recap

Vroom - Week 5

Bible Story Reference:God Protects Moses (Exodus 1:8-2:10) Takeaway:Always Show (hands up then out) Love (hug self) Memory Verse:“Love (hug self) will never end.” (cris...

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Vroom - Week 4

Bible Story Reference:Paul Talks to an Angry Crowd (Acts 21:17-19, 21:27-40, 22:1-16) Takeaway: Love Is (hug self) Not Angry (shake head “no”) Memory Verse:“Love (hug self) will never end.” (crisscros...

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Vroom - Week 3

Bible Story Reference: Breakfast on the Beach (John 21:1-17) Takeaway: Love (hug self) Forgives (wave hands in front of chest) Memory ...

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Vroom - Week 2

Bible Story Reference: Jesus Heals An Ear (Luke 22: 39-51) Takeaway: Be Kind (two thumbs up) To Others (point to others) Memory Verse:...

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Vroom - Week 1

Bible Story Reference: Abraham Shares (Genesis 13) Takeaway:  Be Happy (point to smile) With What (arms forward, palms up) ...

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October 17/18 Devotional

This weekend your preschooler learned that they don’t have to be scared because God loves them and will take care of them. We looked at the story of Paul’s Shipwreck in Acts 27. Review that story with your preschooler and then discuss the following questions: 1.  &nb...

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Game On – Week 5

Bible Story Reference: Safe in a Shipwreck (Acts 27) Takeaway: I (thumbs to chest) Don’t Have To Be (shake head “no”) Scared (make scared face)  Memory Verse: “Don’t give up (crisscross arms in front) When times a...

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Game On - Week 2

Bible Story Reference: Paul Meets Jesus (Acts 9:1-20)  Takeaway: I Will (thumbs to chest) Obey (salute)  Memory Verse: “Don’t give up (crisscross arms in front) When times are hard.” (pound fists) 2 Timothy 4:5 (palms up...

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Game On - Week 1

Bible Story Reference: Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8:26-40) Takeaway: I Won’t (thumbs to chest) Give Up (crisscross arms in front) Memory Verse: “Don’t give up (crisscross arms in front) When times are hard.” (pound fists...

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Journey - Week 2

Bible Story Reference: The Tabernacle - Exodus 35:4-35 & Numbers 4:1-20  Takeaway: I Can Spend Time with God Anywhere! Memory Verse: “Show me the right path, O Lord; point ...

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