Seaside Surf: Weekly Recap

Snowed Inn - Week 5

Bible Story Reference: Faith in God's Promises (Hebrews 11; Revelation 21:1-7 & 15-21) Takeaway: God (both hands point up) Promises ...

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Snowed Inn - Week 4

Bible Story Reference: Elisha Refuses Payment (2 Kings 5) Takeaway: God (both hands point up) Makes Me (thumbs to chest...

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Snowed Inn – Week 3

Bible Story Reference: Naaman's Servant Girl (2 Kings 5:1-15) Takeaway: God Has (both hands point up) Good Plans (two t...

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Snowed Inn – Week 2

Bible Story Reference: Ruth (Ruth 1-4) Takeaway: God Is (both hands point up) With Me (hug self) M...

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Snowed Inn – Week 1

Bible Story Reference: Abraham (Genesis 17:1-22; 18:10-15; 21:1-7) Takeaway: God Keeps (both hands point up) His Promises ...

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Holly Jolly Kitchen – Week 4

Bible Story Reference: Jesus Grows in Wisdom (Luke 2:41-52) Takeaway: I Can Be (thumbs to chest) Like Jesus (both hands point up) Memory Verse: “Thanks be ...

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Holly Jolly Kitchen – Week 3

Bible Story Reference: Jesus Is Born (Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20, Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-23) Takeaway: I Can (thumbs to chest) Celebrate (wave both hands up high) Jesus (bo...

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Holly Jolly Kitchen – Week 2

Bible Story Reference: An Angel Appears to Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25) Takeaway: God Has (both hands point up) A Plan (make book with hands) Memory Verse: “Thanks be ...

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Holly Jolly Kitchen – Week 1

Bible Story Reference: Mary’s Good News (Luke 1:26-56) Takeaway: God (both hands point up) Can Do (clap) Anything (spread arms up and out) ...

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Vroom - Week 6

Bible Story Reference:God Loves His People (Exodus 1-16) Takeaway:Love (hug self) Will Never End (criss cross arms in front) Memory Verse:“Love (hug self) will never end.” (crisscross arms in front) 1 Corinthians 13:8a (palms up and togeth...

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