Wired: Weekly Mission

No More Excuses- Week Three

Bible Reference: John 4 – The woman at the well. Takeaway: God can use us, no matter where we come from. Memory Verse: “Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom shoul...

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No More Excuses- Week Two

God can use us, no matter what our weaknesses are. Ask your kids how their week was, see if anything interesting happened to them? What is something you are good at and what is something you aren’t good at? Read Judges 6:14-18 (Page 243-244) What did G...

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No More Excuses- Week One

God can use us even when we are afraid. Ask your kids how their week was, see if anything interesting happened to them? What is something that you are afraid of? Read Exodus 3:9-12 (Page 61) 1. What was God sending Moses to go do? 2. How would you respo...

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React: Week 5

Bible Reference: Hebrews 12:2 – We can have joy because Jesus died for us. Takeaway: We can have joy in all things! (1 Thessalonians 5:16) Series Memory Verse: “You must have the same attitude that Christ J...

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React- Wired 4

Bible Reference: Luke 8:22-25 – Jesus calms the storm. Takeaway: Trusting God calms our fears. (Psalm 56:4) Series Memory Verse: “You must have the same attitude that ...

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React- Week 3

Bible Reference: John 21 – Jesus restores Peter. Takeaway: God is close in our sadness. (Psalm 34:18) Series Memory Verse: “You must have the same attitude that Christ...

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Reacr- Week 2

Bible Reference: Moses hits the rock in anger. – Numbers 20 Takeaway: Don’t sin by letting anger control you. (Psalm 4:4a) Series Memory Verse: “You must have the same attit...

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React- Week 1

Bible Reference: What are reactions/emotions? - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Takeaway: God helps us to show our emotions in the right way. Series Memory Verse: “You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” -...

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Avenue- Week 4

Bible Reference: Jonah is upset that God didn’t destroy Nineveh - Jonah 4 Takeaway: We should be happy when peop...

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Avenue- Week 3

Bible Reference: Jonah goes to Nineveh - Jonah 3 Takeaway:  It’s never too late to obey God. Series Memory Verse: “Trust the Lord with all your heart; do not ...

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