Wired: Weekly Mission

Away at Camp- Week 3

Bible Reference:

Acts 15: 38-41, 2 Timothy 4:9-11- Paul and Barnabas


Good friends don't give up on each other

Memory Verse: 

 “Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in
honoring each other.” Romans 12:10


Who I Wanna Be- Kids on the Move

Shine a Light- Kids on the Move


Today we learned that good friends don’t give up on each other. This can feel hard sometimes when our feelings are hurt. This week, write down or draw all of the things you love about your friends. Next time you guys are upset with each other, remember all of the amazing things you love about them to help you to remember not to give up on them! Bring your list back next week for Kosmic Kash!