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Here We Go Again

Feeling stuck? There’s hope ahead. In "Here We Go Again," we'll explore why we fall back into destructive patterns and how to break free. Join us to discover how Jesus offers the path to lasting change, hope, and a fresh start for anyone who is willing to follow Him.
Watch Here We Go Again - Unforgiveness

Unforgiveness // 2024-10-12

Imagine how different life could be if we learned to forgive like Jesus. In this message from Tim, we’re diving into Matthew 18 to uncover how the power of forgiveness can transform hearts and lives.
Watch Here We Go Again - Pride

Pride // 2024-10-19

Pride is a wall that blinds us to the truth, sabotaging our progress and damaging everything in its path. In this message, Todd reveals how to tear down that barrier, break the cycle, and discover a new way forward.
Watch Here We Go Again - The Secret To Contentment

The Secret To Contentment // 2024-10-26

How is it that despite all our hard work, successes, new cars, bigger houses, and the latest iPhones, we still feel empty? In this message, Todd reveals the true key to lasting contentment.
Watch Here We Go Again - How To Deal With Anger

How To Deal With Anger // 2024-11-02

Anger is a God-given emotion, but if left unchecked, it can wreak havoc on our lives. In this message, Todd shares practical insights on how to manage anger in a healthy, God-honoring way.
Watch Here We Go Again - Overcoming Discouragement

Overcoming Discouragement // 2024-11-09

Life is full of moments that can leave us feeling discouraged, but we don’t have to stay there. In this installment of Here We Go Again, Todd shows us how God can take our lowest points and turn them into sources of strength.
Watch Here We Go Again - Overcoming Lust

Overcoming Lust // 2024-11-16

Lust promises fulfillment and satisfaction, but it ultimately leads to pain and emptiness. In part 6 of Here We Go Again, Todd reveals how lust is a dangerous trap that can destroy your life if you don’t stand firm in your convictions and hold fast to integrity.
Watch Here We Go Again - How To Get Right With God

How To Get Right With God // 2024-11-23

Who did Jesus really come to save? In the final installment of Here We Go Again, Todd reminds us that Jesus didn’t come for the perfect—He came for those ready to surrender their sin and allow Him to transform their brokenness into something good.

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Ready to take a step of faith? we will follow up with you about your decision.
Spiritual Decisions

Parenting 101

Who Is Our Neighbor?

The Race Of Your Life

Not By Sight

Where Heaven Meets Earth

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How Will 2025 Be Different?

Christmas at Sagebrush


Here We Go Again

Mad World

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New Mexico

Saturdays at 10:35 PM - KRQE 13
Sundays at 6:00 AM & 10:00 PM - FOX NEW MEXICO
Sundays at 9:00 AM - NM CW