Today we are talking about a monsoon that each and one of us faces: temptation. We face certain temptations each and every day. We are tempted toward things such as anger, gluttony, laziness, lust, envy, greed, and many more things. As we think about these things, the question becomes, "What do we do about temptations when they come?" We are going to talk about this today, and as we talk about temptation, we are going to be encouraged that we are not stuck in our temptation because God will always provide a way to escape it.
What was your biggest temptation when you were a kid?
1. What are some of the most common temptations that people face today?
2. Read Proverbs 28:13. Why is acknowledging our temptation a first step in fighting against it?
Proverbs 28:13 People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.
Proverbs 28:13
People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.
3. Why is it important to talk about our temptations with other Christians?
4. What are common temptations that you, specifically, face? Is there any temptation you are facing today? If so, what is it?
5. Read 1 Corinthians 10:12-13. What specifically encourages you after reading these verses?
1 Corinthians 10:12-13 If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
1 Corinthians 10:12-13
If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
6. How does understanding that any temptation you face is common to the average person change the way you view your temptations?
7. How have you seen God provide a way of escape when you were tempted in the past? How might God be providing a way of escape for you now in your current temptations?
Spend some time thinking about one temptation you are currently facing or a temptation that you commonly face. When you choose a temptation to focus on, think of three steps you can take this week to fight against it. Then, share these steps with your group so that they can help keep you accountable. After everyone has shared, pray for each other as you seek to fight against this temptation.
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1 Corinthians 10:13 The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
1 Corinthians 10:13
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
©2025 Sagebrush Church