As we close out our series Hall of Faith this week, it is important to understand that the life of faith we are called to live is a race. It is a race not in the sense that there is a prize for the first person to make it to the finish line, but in the sense that there is a common destination Christ has called us to. That destination is "to know Christ and to make Christ known." When we understand that we are running a race, we can be better equipped to run that race. So today, we are going to study what Scripture teaches about running this race well.
What is the longest distance you have run? Did you enjoy it? Why or Why not?
Bible Study Questions
1. What are some elements of any race? How might some relate to the race that Christ has called us to run?
2. Read Hebrews 11:39-12:1. According to these verses, what is the motivation of running "the race that God has set out before us?
Hebrews 11:39-12:1 All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised. For God had something better in mind for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
Hebrews 11:39-12:1
All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised. For God had something better in mind for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
3. Read Hebrews 12:2-3. How does the author of Hebrews teach us to run the race well in these verses?
Hebrews 12:2-3
We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won’t become weary and give up.
4. What was Jesus' motivation when He endured the cross? How might this motivation help us when we are facing difficult times in our race?
1. What does it look like specifically to keep our eyes on Jesus?
2. What is at stake if we do not fix our eyes on Jesus?
3. Is there anything currently distracting you from keeping your eyes on Jesus? If so, what is it, and how can you begin to fight against this distraction?
One of the best ways to keep our eyes on Jesus is to surround ourselves with the things of Him, including His word and worship songs. So, as a group, choose one practice this week: reading Scripture consistently, listening to worship music, or listening to Scripture being read aloud on your favorite Bible App. Then, after you all share what you chose, pray that God would give you all the endurance and the strength to keep your eyes on Him.
Over the past 12 weeks, we have studied many people throughout Scripture who were commended for their faith. These were people who, against all odds, demonstrated faith in Christ, even when it seemed uncertain, scary, or difficult. So let's take a few minutes right now to pause, reflect, and evaluate. How are we demonstrating faith? What has changed over the past 11 weeks?
Before we evaluate, take a few minutes to look back over Hebrews chapter ll. While everyone looks, encourage them to make a note of what stands out to them about faith. Then, after 5 to 10 minutes, come together as a group to discuss. As we have learned about these heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11, we have seen that faith walks with God even when everyone walks away. It trusts God, even when God's promises look different to the rest of the world or seem impossible. It forgives, obeys, and it keeps going despite fear and more.
Let's look back on what we have learned about faith throughout this sermon series.
The writer of Hebrews compares the walk of faith to a race. It is a race that continues until we take our last breath. Because of this, our call today is to keep running. Wherever we are right now in our faith, whether things are going great or we have been struggling, we have a new leg of our race to run each day. So let's commit today to keep running. To not quit. To not lose hope or lose sight of our goal. Hopefully, by now, you have all shared the step God has placed before you to grow your faith. This step is what you need to do, stop, or change for this next leg of your race. Now spend a few minutes praying. Pray for each other as you all are seeking to grow in your faith. Ask God for wisdom and courage to take the steps you know He is calling you to take.
MONTHLY MEMORY VERSE (Available for download on Sagebrush App)
We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Hebrews 12:2
©2025 Sagebrush Church