Seaside Surf: Weekly Recap

Week 4-Respect

Bible Reference: – Creation & People to Care for it - Genesis 1 -2:15

Takeaway: I Can (thumbs to chest) Respect (2 fingers, touching forehead, comingoutward) What God (point up) Made! (fists on top of one another twisting)

 Memory Verse: "Show respect (2 fingers, touching forehead, coming outward) for all people. (hold up 2 fingers on each hand and circle them around parallel each other) Love (cross arms over chest) the brothers and sisters (point out to crowd) of God’s family. (point up with both fingers,  draw one big circle using both fingers) Respect (2 fingers, touching forehead, coming outward) God. (point up)” 1 Peter 2:17a
ICB (palms up and together like a book)


Wonderful Things

When I Look