Remix Notes

Is God Real? - Week 4

Does God Exist: Evolution or Creation

This is our last week of our series Is God Real For the past three weeks we have been looking at the existence of God and we have been looking at what the Bible says about how God created the heavens and the earth and what evolutionist say created the heavens and the earth and we have been asking the question which makes more sense to us.

Does it make more sense that, "no one plus nothing = everything" or does it make more sense that maybe a loving God that exists outside of space and time made us in his image to have a relationship with us.

Last week we saw that evolution has some big problems like the fossil record. Charles Darwin knew there were holes in his theory and he predicted that there would be millions of fossils that would be dug up that would prove his prediction to be true.

So far, we have dug up over a billion fossils and we still haven’t found anything to prove him right.

Dr. Stephen Gould, a leading evolutionist and professor of biology at Harvard said, “After more than 100 years of fossil research after Darwin, it has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. A species does not arise gradually by the gradual transformation of its ancestors.”

What does the fossil record show? In rocks that scientists date back 570 million years there is a sudden appearance of marine animals which appear fully formed, unchanged to the present and without any record of ancestors before them or transitions after them. Just like the Bible says. God created every animal suddenly and fully formed and the fossil record shows that to be the case.

But that isn't the only problem evolutionist have. Let’s go into the deep end of the pool and talk about the complexity of a single cell.

Back in Darwin’s day they only had microscopes that could magnify a cell up to 300 times. All Darwin could see was the most basic elements of a cell. His thought was over time, millions of years, something simple like a cell became complex but today thanks to more powerful microscopes, we now know a single cell is incredibly complex.

In fact, Cambridge University astronomer and mathematician Sir Fred Hoyle writes that, “The formation of life from inanimate matter is 1 followed by 40,000 zeroes after it.” That's less than one trillionth of a chance...

This reminds me of a clip from Dumb and Dumber when Jim Carrey’s character asks a girl if he has a chance of being with her one day, this is her response, take a look at this

She looks at him and says you have a one in a million chance. At this point you think he is going to say oh no chance but he looks at her and says what you are telling me is there is a chance. That’s the same case evolution makes.

Friends, if you walked out in the desert and you saw the space shuttle sitting there what would you think? Would you think it’s amazing what a dust cloud just made out here in the middle of the desert or would you be wondering who made this, who put this together.

The space shuttle isn’t as complex as a single cell. Which takes more faith to believe that God created it or that it happened as the result of a big bang?

A mathematician , “Imagine you come upon an abandoned cabin in the woods. As you approach it you notice something strange. Your favorite meal is cooking in the oven, the TV is turned onto your favorite TV program and all your favorite books, movies and video games are lying on the table. What would you conclude? The best explanation is that someone was expecting your arrival.

Scientists have learned that the universe we live in was uniquely crafted for us. Scientists estimate that there are more than 100 conditions on our planet that make the earth uniquely suited for human life from the size of the sun, to the tilting of earth at a perfect 23 degrees, to the amount of oxygen and carbon in our air.

How about the human body?

The Psalmist said, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139

If you could unravel your body like a ball of yarn, there would be enough DNA-string to reach the moon and back ten thousand times!

In a 24-hour period, if you're an adult of average weight, here is what you accomplish:
Your heart beats 103,689 times
Your blood travels 168,000,000 miles
You breathe 23,040 times 
You inhale 438 cubic feet of air.
You eat 3.25 pounds of food
You drink 2.9 quarts of liquids 
You lose 7/8 pound of waste.
You speak 4,800 words, including some unnecessary ones
You move 750 muscles 
Your nails grow .000046 inch
Your hair grows .01714 inch
You exercise 7,000,000 brain cells.

Do you think all of that happened from nothing out of nothing or do you think maybe someone made you?

Where does our sense of morals and right and wrong come from? We are different from the rest of creation.

Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth.”

Man was created superior to other animals because we were created in the image of God. Man is the only creature with a moral conscience. If a lion kills another lion, it doesn’t feel guilt for what he has done. You won’t see a bunch of lions dragging him into court to give an account of what happened and making sure that justice is served.

Only man has the capacity to know right from wrong, to choose to obey or disobey. Where did that come from?

How about common sense?

Roger Oakland, former evolutionist and co-author of the Evolution Conspiracy asks the question, “What if someone took a worm and said in one hour that worm will turn into a man. He’d be laughed out of the classroom. But if someone says the worm will become a man over millions of years everyone agrees because by expanding the amount of time, the ridiculous somehow become credible.” And he says, “That is evolution.”

Dr. Dewayne Gibbs, noted biologist says, “Evolution is a fairytale for adults. In Fairy Tales someone kisses a frog and the frog becomes a prince. We call that a fairytale. In evolution someone kisses a frog and two million years later it becomes a prince and we call that science.”

Last illustration. I have a bowl here. I love cake.

I love chocolate cake so I'm hoping a chocolate cake is going to magically appear out of nothing into this bowl. How long am I going to wait until I get my cake from this bowl of nothingness? Probably a long stinking time.

Let’s say that all of a sudden in my bowl there are ingredients that appear out of nothing and there are all the ingredients to make a cake. Eggs come appear from nothing, and sugar and milk, etc. It all goes in the bowl. All the ingredients are there so now I am going to have a chocolate cake. I’m even going to mix it together. How long is it going to take for me to have my chocolate cake? Probably a long stinking time.

It has all the ingredients but it still isn’t a cake. What is necessary? There has to be a baker back there somewhere. Someone must say, “let there be cake.” Pull out a cake. And there was cake and it was good.

Creationist: God created the heavens and the earth.

Evolutionist: No one + nothing = everything.

Which makes more sense to you? Are we here as the result of a mighty glob or a mighty God?