Remix Notes

Is God Real? - Week 1

Nobody raise your hand but how many of you know someone who doesn’t believe in the existence of God? How many of you have ever seen a Tik Tok or something online that made you doubt what we talk about here at Remix

According to recent surveys 94% of Americans believe that there is a God. Of the 6% who say there is no God only 4% would say they are atheist.

 When I started to work on this talk, I found it interesting that the Bible never addresses the question of whether or not God exists.

Now I would say the majority of you know someone who is an atheist or questions whether God is real. Maybe you're in this room and you are an atheist or have questioned God. But can we say there is no God with certainty?

The only way a person could be certain there is no God is if that person knew everything about everything because if you don’t know everything about everything then there is always the possibility that God does exist. Someone who claims there is no God is claiming they know everything there is to know about everything, setting themselves up in a God-like position.

Now for those in the room that are struggling with this question, is God real? This message is for you. Then there are some of you that have friends that ask this same question, pay attention because you are here and after this you will have some answers to their questions. Over the course of this series we will lay out a ton of evidence that hopefully you can share with a friend or two along the way.

Let’s says you have a friend who wonders if God exists. This is the first thing I would say to them.


Atheists believe the Universe had a cause. Something or someone caused all of this to be. Something doesn’t come out of nothing. And this is something we know. For example who has ever played with legos. In order for what's on the box to be built I have to build it, it has to have a cause.

When it comes to how we got here, evolutionists believe that cause came from a big bang that happened billions of years ago. Gases they say that came from nothing collided with each other over billions of years ago and these gasses that came from nothing exploded and out of chaos you now find order. The planets revolve in a systematic pattern around the sun. By random chance the earth is just the right distance from the sun so we don’t burn up or freeze to death. By random chance we have air to breath and food to eat. By random chance over billions of years these gasses formed a cell and out of this cell came a living organism. And over time the organism grew legs and over billions of years man evolved from an ape and now we are here on this planet.

Not because of the choice of a loving God but because of random chance. Here is the question you have to ask someone who does not believe in the existence of God. Where did the gasses come from? Who made the gasses? Who made them collide? Who or what caused the explosion? And if your friend is honest, they would have to say that they don’t know. To this day people who believe in Evolution still can’t come up with a first cause. Someone had to light the fuse.

Christians believe that God is the first cause. In fact, let this blow your mind, Christians believe that God exists outside of time and space because God was the one who created time and space and because he lives beyond time and space he is not limited to time and space. In fact, Christians believe that God is eternal and he has no beginning and no end because he has always been because he lives outside of time.

Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” God spoke creation into existence.

Every person believes the universe had a beginning so the question is how did it start? Who or what caused it? Who made the chemicals that provided the big bang? How did something come from nothing? How did order come from chaos? (show lego pictures) Imagine me showing this to you and telling you it built itself. That I just woke up one day and it was complete in my room. Nobody would believe that. Why?

(Take the bucket of legos and throw them) Now according to evolutionists there should have been something made from that, in fact me throwing that bucket of legos has a better chance of making something than what evolutionists believe. Because we actually started with something.

When was the last time you saw a hurricane or a tornado bring about order and not chaos? When have you ever seen an explosion actually make a building better? Chaos never brings about order.

The first place to talk about the existence of God is to talk about our existence. How did we get here? What is the first cause? Every effect has a cause.


When we look at a painting of a beautiful landscape obviously, we think about how talented and creative the painter was to create such a beautiful masterpiece. When you see a picture on the wall do you think wow, someone just opened up a bunch of different buckets of paint and threw them there and look, out of chaos came this beautiful picture. (Show a picture). Does anyone think a single picture just happened by accident? (Have students raise their hands) How many of you believe that someone painted this picture? Why do you believe that? It is because every created thing has a creator.

When you drive down your street and look at the homes that are there do you think “now how in the world did those homes get there?” I bet a tornado ripped through this subdivision years ago and when all those trees were uprooted, they just formed into these houses. I wish another bad storm would come by. I could use a new house. Does anyone believe that is how homes are constructed? Of course not. You know that a home has an architect who draws up blueprints and then skilled carpenters come in and start building the house board after board and nail after nail. There is a plan for the house and there are people who are building the house.

Do you think where you live is more complex than the world you live in? I can promise the coolest house ever built pales in comparison to the complexity of our Universe. Every time you see something that has been created remember that gives evidence to a creator.

The Bible says in Romans 1:20 “For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”

God says, “Look out your window, breath in the air, look at the mountain and the order of the Universe. Look at how everything works and how the sun comes up and the sun goes down and how the moon continually revolves around our planet. Who made all of that? What created all of that. It just happened by a giant fart in the Universe billions of years ago or there is a creator who created all that we see.? Seems like a no brainer to me. The creation cries out that there is a creator.”

Let me give you one more.


I want you to think about how complex your body is for just a second. If you could unravel your body like a ball of yarn, there would be enough DNA-string to reach the moon and back 10,000 times. Right now, a hundred things are happening in your body right, and you don’t give it a second thought. It’s just happening and you don’t even think about it.

You are breathing naturally. Anyone here telling yourself to breath. I need to breathe. I need to breathe. Your stomach is digesting the food you just ate. Any one telling you stomach to do that? You are growing new cells, purifying toxins. Do you understand how complex the human body is?

Your heart will pump 100,000 times today without skipping a beat. Touch your nose with your finger. That simple act required 400 separate chemical reactions firing across tens of thousands of synapses.

Now you understand a little bit better why the Psalmist said, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”. Psalm 139:

But your body just happened by accident. Not true. Genesis tells us that we are made in the image of God. We are not an accident. We are here on purpose.

God made us and God wants to have a relationship with us and God so loved you and me that he gave his only son that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. What do you think? Are we here as the result of a muddy glob or because of a mighty God.