Preschool: Weekly Devotional

Let's Go Heroes- Week Six

This weekend your preschooler learned they can be a hero like Noah! We looked at the story of Noah’s Ark in Genesis 6 - 9. Review this story with your preschooler and discuss the following questions:
1. What did Noah build in this story?
2. Who told Noah to build the big ark?
3. Will you obey God just like Noah?
Prayer: Pray that God will use your child to do amazing things for Him!

Let's Go Heroes- Week Five

This weekend your preschooler learned they can be a hero like Abigail! We looked at the story of Abigail Sharing with David in 1 Samuel 25:1-35. Review this story with your preschooler and discuss the following questions:
1. Who did Abigail share a gift with?
2. Did David like the gift that Abigail gave to him?
3. Can you share with others just like Abigail shared?
Prayer: Pray that your child will learn to share and be generous towards others.