Here at Sagebrush, we believe that people are better off with Jesus than without Him.
Because we believe every life would be better, we are always looking for opportunities to share the difference that Jesus has made in our lives. We really do believe there is a heaven and a hell and that people really are going to one place or the other.
Here is what I want you to do today. I want you to write down the names of 5 people who aren’t Christians, and I want you to start praying for an opportunity to share what Jesus has done in your life with them. I want you to pray for them every day until all five have placed Jesus to be the leader and forgiver of their life.
Yesterday I asked you to write out your story, and your story should have included three parts.
Your story should
Why do we do this? Because Jesus cares about everyone, and He doesn’t want anyone to be eternally separated from Him. That is why Jesus came to pay the price for our sin so that we would have a way to get back to God.
1 Timothy 2:3-4 says, “This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
The person who cuts your hair matters to God. The coach of your kid’s little league team matters to God. Your family, your friends, your coworkers, your classmates, every single person you have locked eyes with matters to God, and they should matter to us as well.
I will not give you an assignment that I am not willing to do myself, so here is my two-minute story of how Jesus changed my life.
You can time my story if you like.
Ok. Go. I grew up going to church, but I didn’t have a clue what it meant to have a relationship with God. I was sitting in typewriting class when Bill Hill turned around and asked me if I was a Christian. I told him that I was because I went to church, and he asked me one question I have never been able to shake. He asked, “Why don’t you act like it?” I went home and found my Bible, and I started to read the book of John. I found out that Jesus wants all of my life and not just part of it. I knew I had let Him down with the choices that I had made, so I asked God to forgive me, and I told Him that I want to live for Him from this day forward.
I would like to say that every day since then, I have lived perfectly for Jesus, but that would be a lie. I still mess up, but He is always there to forgive me and help me, and honestly, I don’t have a clue how someone can go a single day without Him. That is my story. Do you have a story about how you gave your life to Christ?
Write your story out and practice your story repeatedly until you can share your story without even thinking about it. Tell people in your life that you are trying to get your story down, and ask them if you can share it with them. You would be surprised by the number of people who want to hear what God has done in your life.
We always think that people aren’t interested in spiritual stuff, but survey after survey shows that people are more interested in spiritual things than ever before.
Never underestimate the power of one conversation. One conversation can change a person’s life.
In John 4, the Bible tells us that Jesus went into Samaria and sat by a well in the middle of the midday sun. The disciples went into town to get some food. While they were gone, a Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus intentionally started a conversation with her. Through the course of that conversation, we find out that this woman has been married five times, and the man she is currently living with isn’t her husband.
It was obvious to Jesus since she was drawing water in the hottest part of the day that she wasn’t excited about how her life had turned out. She was probably sick of the other women in her village looking at her and whispering about her past failed relationships, and I’m sure she had a regret or two.
This woman was there for water to quench her thirst physically, but Jesus offered her water that would quench her soul. Living water. That was the water she really thirsted for.
Jesus took an ordinary conversation about water and reached this woman’s point of need, and her eternity was changed as a result. We can do the same thing. An ordinary conversation can become extraordinary if we allow God to lead us and guide us to the people who are ready to hear our stories.
Think about this:
The people you work with are one conversation away from seeking God. One conversation away from getting their questions answered. Just one conversation away.
The people you work with need what you have. They need to see and hear the difference that Jesus has made in your life.
You might be here today because someone cared enough to have one conversation with you. They shared with you about this church, or they shared with you about the difference that Jesus has made in their life, and you are here today. Aren’t you glad? Now it’s our turn to pass on the story of God’s amazing love for us, that He would send his son to die in our place so that we might have abundant life on this earth and eternal life in heaven.
Remember sharing Jesus with someone is one friend telling another friend about the best friend that they have. Aren’t you glad someone cared enough about your eternity to share Jesus with you? Grab a piece of paper or get on your computer and start writing the story of what Jesus did for you. Practice your story over and over again, and make sure it is less than two minutes long. Don’t forget we have a website that you can go to that will help you write out your story. Just go to and send your story to us. You can email your story from that website to yourself as well.
©2025 Sagebrush Church