Read John 9:1-41.
When we tell our stories of how God saved us, others watch in amazement at how God has changed our lives. This was certainly the case with a man who had been blind from birth in John chapter 9. This man was healed by Jesus, and everyone around him watched in amazement as he walked, clearly able to see again.
In John 9, Jesus and His disciples came across this man who had been blind since he was born. Jesus’ disciples asked Him a question that will seem very strange to us. Because Israelite culture believed that blindness, sickness, and diseases were often punishment for sin, the disciples asked Jesus why this man was blind. “Was he blind because of his sin or the sin of his parents?” they asked. Jesus corrected their faulty line of thinking by explaining that this man was not born blind because of sin. In fact, Jesus told them that because of this man’s limitations, God would demonstrate His power through him. What happened next was strange and miraculous all at once. Jesus spat on the ground, made mud, and put it on the blind man’s eyes. After covering this man’s eyes with mud, Jesus sent the man to wash his eyes with water. After he washed the mud off of his eyes, the man came back seeing. It was truly a miracle.
All the people who had known this man to be the blind man who they frequently saw begging on the streets could not believe that he had been healed. When these people asked this man what happened and who healed him, he told his story. He told them what Jesus had done, and God was glorified as a result. This man was truly living out his purpose because God’s power certainly was demonstrated through him.
Just like Jesus used this blind man’s limitations to show His power, He still uses us today, despite our limitations. You may feel like you are inadequate or not prepared to follow this previously blind man’s example and tell other people about what God has done in your life. You may think your story is not powerful enough. Let me assure you, my friend, that God can and will use you, including your limitations or weaknesses. The areas where you feel weak may be the areas where God’s power is made known to everyone watching. Sharing our story does not have to be complicated or difficult. We simply have to be faithful to share what God has done for us. Has God brought you through a really difficult trial? Has God walked with you through times of anxiety? Has He provided for you very specifically during a time of need? Tell your story to others! They will listen in amazement, and God will be glorified as your story is told.
What about you? Have you taken the opportunity to tell others about your faith in Jesus? You were challenged earlier in our study of John to write down your story of how you came to know Jesus. Remember, your story is simply telling others what your life was like before you started following Jesus, how you began following Him, and what your life is like now since you began following Him now. Now that you already have your story written down, determine today to practice telling it. As you practice sharing your story, you will be better prepared to share it when you have the opportunity.
©2025 Sagebrush Church