First Steps: Baptism

Baptism Discussion Questions

Moving Forward After placing their faith in Christ, Scripture teaches that baptism is the next step that Christians are called to take in their relationship with Christ. Have you been baptized? If not, what are you waiting for? Fill out ...

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John Bible Study: Day 1

Read John 1:1-51. When we know who Jesus is, we will begin to know who we are. No one understood this truth better than a man we call John the Baptist. In fact, at the beginning of the book of John, we learn that everything John the Baptist knew about Jesus informed him o...

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John Bible Study: Day 2

Read John 2:1-25.  My sister recently got married, and, let me tell you, the wedding was beautiful. Not only was it beautiful, but the food at her reception was delicious. There was one food item that everyone raved about: fried potstickers, or dumplings. Sadly, I ...

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John Bible Study: Day 3

Read John 3:1-36. I am not one who likes to stay up late at night. When I am really tired, and it is late in the evening, there is not much that can convince me to stay awake. To have a conversation with Jesus like Nicodemus had in...

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John Bible Study: Day 4

Read John 4:1-54.  Think for a moment about the last time that you were really thirsty. Do you remember how desperate you were for a drink of water? Do you remember the relief you felt as you finally drank your water and your thirst was quenched? There is a problem...

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John Bible Study: Day 5

Read John 5:1-47. “Would you like to get well?” Jesus asked a man who had been unable to walk for thirty-eight years. Can you imagine what this man thought when Jesus asked this question? “Of course!” I i...

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John Bible Study: Day 6

Read John 6:1-71. I must confess that I love bread. I have to be careful not to keep too much around my house because I will eat way too much. When we think about bread today, we think about something that goes on the side of pasta, soup, or a salad or something that we...

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John Bible Study: Day 7

Read John 7:1-52. I love to celebrate. Whatever the occasion, birthdays, holidays, a successful accomplishment, I am ready to join my friends and family members and celebrate. What I love so much about celebrating is that it causes us to pause ...

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