Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Wise - Week 4

Have each family member share the name of a person that they consider a role model.
Now, talk to your kids about how the most important person to try to be like is Jesus. Explain that even the best people here on earth are not even close to being like Jesus!
Read 1 John 2:5-6
If you want to be like someone, what should you imitate (clothes, haircut, actions, words, attitudes, etc.)?
What would you call someone who claimed to be a Christian, but didn’t act like it?
What are some things that Jesus did, that we can also do?
Read Galatians 5:22-23
Share examples of people that you know that embody each Fruit of the Spirit.
What can you do to get more of the Fruits of the Spirit in your life?
Close in prayer by asking God for help in being like Jesus. Ask Him to see more of the Fruits of the Spirit in your life.