Elementary: Weekly Devotional

Game Changer- Week Four

What would you say or do to encourage your friend?
Read Acts 9:22-28
1. What was Saul doing before he met Barnabas?
2. How do you think Saul was feeling about everyone trying to get rid of him?
3. What happened after Saul met with Barnabas?
4. Why do you think it was important for Barnabas to encourage Saul?
5. What are some things we can do to encourage our friends?
6. Should we only encourage our friends? Why or why not?

Game Changer- Week Two

On God’s Team, Players Don’t Give Up
Have you ever given up on something? What happened?
Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
1. What kind of race do you think Paul is talking about in this verse?
2. Who is a famous athlete you can think of? Why do you think they got
3. What happens when we give up on something? Do we feel good or bad
about it? Why?
4. What prize do you think Paul was talking about in the verse?
5. Why is it important to keep our eyes on that prize?