Elementary: Weekly Devotional


What is your favorite part about Easter?

Read Mark 15:33-47.

Discuss v.35 where Jesus says to God, “…why have you forsaken me?” How do you think Jesus felt?

Parents, explain that this was Jesus quoting Psalm 22, which was written more than 500 years beforehand and foretold what would happen to the Messiah. As Jesus died, He took on our sins, and suffered that great punishment in our place. He became our substitute and took on what we deserved.

Read 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.

What do these verses tell us about the Easter story?

Why do you think it says, “according to the scriptures?”

Parents, explain that Jesus’ death was predicted and promised countless times in the Old Testament. 

Why do you think Jesus appeared to so many witnesses?

Parents, try to help your kids understand that this was a REAL historical event, not something imaginary. Many real people saw it happen, and saw Jesus after he had died and come back to life!

Close in prayer by thanking God for sending His son to take our punishment, so that we can live forever with Him in Heaven! Ask Him to help us live our lives for Him.