Adventure Island: Weekly Mission

Be Brave - Week 3

Due: February 1/2

Bible Story Reference:

Joseph and his brothers – Genesis 37, 41-45


Be Kind!

Memory Verse:

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 


Be Strong and Courageous Song - Kick Start Worship 

Let’s Get A Little Crazy - Lifetree Kids


This week, whenever your siblings or friends do something that makes you mad, take a moment to count to 10 and remember that God wants you to be kind. Then do something nice for them. Write down one nice thing you do for them and show your leaders next week for $10 Kosmic Kash.


Pray your child will be a kind person to others, especially their siblings.